Catch Up Time [ July 15, 2003, 10:50 pm ]

Once again, it's, forever since I've written. But I wanted to get the word out about mine and Mel's project, so that's why I left that entry up for awhile.

God, I hate Mel sometimes! She's so freakin' talented. I read some more of her stuff tonight--damn she's good. She's going places. Y'all better be reading her stuff and taking note, so you can say that you knew her when...

Wow--I think I just realized that I can see directly into Davide's apartment's living room when she has the light on. Intriguing. Damn, now the light is off, so I can't tell for sure. That's probably a good thing since that'd be kinda stalker-esque.


Today was a day off. I enjoy Tuesdays. I always have. (They always invoke memories of art and library day and recess and music class and passing notes--warm fuzzy memories for moi.) But today--I did absolutely nothing. I woke up and kind of felt like making beef stew. Yeah--that sooo didn't happen. Then I thought maybe I'd scrapbook or read or clean my room or get some of my old clothes ready to go to GoodWill or something. KiKi did NOTHING. Nada. I went to WalMart with Becka (yaaay Becka!!!) but that was about it. My life is so pathetic. On the bright side, I'm gonna dive into The Nanny Diaries when I'm done with this entry. :D

My weekend at home was quite relaxing. Very niiiiice. Mom and I had an awesome afternoon on Saturday. We went to the Strawberry Festival parade--that was fun. Sun, cute kiddies, fun fun. Oooh! There was the COOLEST percussion band there. I wanted to run into the parade and join them. I could have been the amazing dancing fiend-girl-groupie for that band. They kicked major ass. Anyways...yeah, after the parade we went for REAL Chinese food. It was heavenly. I swear--why does Houghton have better restaurants than Marquette? They have the Ming and The Library and even their Pizza Hut is better. Wassup with thaaaat?

Then we and saw Charlie's Angels II. Fun stuff. She loved it. We sat in the big mushy chairs in the theater and just laughted the whole time. It was so fun.

The whole weekend was great. I slept a lot and lounged a lot and bonded with mommy a lot. And I ate a ton of spaghetti. Mom makes the greatest spaghetti in the world. It's freakin' amazing. it's all I ate all weekend. And she gave me a big container of sauce to bring back here. Hurrah! I'm gonna be eating spaghetti a lot in the next couple of weeks. Hehe

And Project Glass--Eye now has backers! Hurraaaah! The support from downtown businesses was quite positive. All the businesses said they'd at least hand out cards and stuff. And the Motherlode guy (the COOLEST guy in the world, bar none) said we could sell the book in his shoppe. Sweeeeeeeeeet!

Life is good when your publicizing is successful and you have a good weekend.


Mr. Robert came up for the night on Sunday. He had his day in traffic court. Without getting into too much detail lemme just say that he got luckyyyy. Damn, sometimes I wish I were him. Such a lucky dork. I'm quite happy for him. I was in the hearing. I could tell it was hard for him to tell his part, express himself, say exactly what he wanted to say to win. It all turned out well. The hearing only took like 20 minutes. Mr. Cell Phone Whore (on MY phone--grr) took longer AFTERWARDS while he tried to work out details. Haha. I people watched while he yacked on my phone. I spotted a gorgeous mullet. It was wavey-permed with just the very bottom layer curled under to complete the mullet. Class-say. Haha

I also saw a female convict. I immediately had the chorus of "Cell Block Tango" racing through my head. It'd make a good story I think. I'm quite inspired.

Aight, I need to go to sleep.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Disney Channel commercial (Boy Meets World is on! Yay!)

Crush du Jour: Jimmy Fallon

Happy Thought of the Moment: crispy fries and gravy, WalMart runs, dinner with Bob, Crystal Lite, Nemo, comfy shoes, versatile pants, my glasses, poetry, successful promotion, lattes with Mel, 80s mixes, cute doggies, parades, sunshiney days, fuzzy blankets, rainy days, glass--eye, icy cold water, cheap gas, full gas tank, new nose ring

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