Quicky [ March 13, 2003, 2:17 pm ]

Woo hoo I'm baaaaack!

K, so I really wasn't gone or anything but I haven't written in like 3 days and that seems like a really long time for me to not update. I was going through withdrawal maaaan.


If you couldn't tell I'm running on like NADA sleep. I was up till 4 AM writing my story for Creative Writing.

Here's what happened in class Tuesday:

Me: I hope my story isn't due till Tuesday cuz I really have nothing so far....

My prof: (cutting into my convo) The people who need to have their stories done for Thursday are Ryan and Krissy. Krissy--how's yours coming?

Me: Uhhh...durrh...Oh, it's...coming. *grin*

Yeah. I had the worst case of writer's block Tuesday night. It took me a good two hours to come up with a premise for my story. Then I was supposed to finish it last night. Yeah...NAE ran REALLY long, then I had to hang out with some of my residents. So I didn't really dig into the story till 1. So a good two and a half hours to finish it up, that isn't too too bad. It's a really rough draft. And one of the characters ends up dying.

THAT was a flash of caffeine/insomniac fueled brilliance.


But a copy's done. And copied and ready for the seedy little minds of my class to tear apart. I hope that people actually just like it. Cuz there's been some excellent stories in class so far. Mine so doesn't even compare, but it's not bad. I think it's better than one of the stories I read today. *ahem*

But yeah.

I thought I had so much to talk about, but really my mind is blank right now. This weekend is going to be rough. I have a grill cheese sale tonight, tomorrow night and Saturday night. Whee. Those are so exhausting. Grr. And THEN tomorrow I have an 8 am meeting. THen a noon meeting. Then a staff meeting. And shiiiiiiit--I have to remember to call the catering company about Counting Crows and the rent-all place about a big screen tv for Ludacris. Gaah. Then tomorrow and Saturday nights there's 2nd City sponsored by NAE.

I just have one question--am I ever gonna get to sleep?

Reply is hazy...try again later.

I need to go. I can no longer type and I think my brain just wants to sleep. More later, I promise.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "I See the Sun" (good goooood song)

Crush du Jour: John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: random IM convos, being introspective, having a draft of my story done, ripping a new asshole into someone (quite therapeutic and fun), Taco Bell runs, good novels, Boy Meets World, South Park, nice cold water, more than 5 hours of sleep (who knows when that's actually gonna happen), adventures of Krissy and Brett, Agent Cody Banks out tomorrow, talking to Pookie, Ludi next weekend, Chris Beckman here on Tuesday (yaaaaaaaay!)

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