I'm the Queen! I'm the Queen! [ October 21, 2003, 9:48 am ]

What a bleary, blurry morning. Huh. the sky is hella cloudy. It's gonna rain. Whee! I'm pumped about that. Too bad I can't enjoy it cuz I'm too damn tired to blink.

Note to self: never ever EVER stay up past 2 watching I Love the 80s when you know you must wake up at 8 a.m. the next morning. Suuuuck. And somehow my blankets decided to attack me in the middle of the night. So I woke up buried in the covers with the comforter wound around my leg.

I will never share a bed with a guy. Because even if I got so lucky as to get a guy into my bed, he'd immediately run away due to my sleeping habits and vengeful comforter. Boo.

Dang, the lobby is hot today. I'm quite steamy. I guess it doesn't help that ResLife hates the Hunt/VA lobby and refuses to install a.c. here. They hate us. They love Halverson and Spalding and Payne and Gant, but not fabulous Hunt or VA. Boo to them. BOO.

I'm just Miss Negativity this morning, aren't I? Hehe.

One more thing to bitch about--Erin and I have no frickin' clue what's going on with World Cup volunteering this weekend. We know we're workin' all weekend, which is fine by us, but we don't know when we're supposed to get there or report to or our shifts or what. Gaah.

Oh well. It'll be figured out. I'm sure.

Oh--I'm getting sick. How frickin' lovely. Just what I need. At least I took Bob's advice to chase away an earache: take a butt-load of aspirin and it'll go bye-bye. Who'd have thunk. Huh. Thanks for the advice, sweetie!

It just occurred to me that I didn't update all weekend. Can I just say how much I love gay boys? They're fabby. Fabby fab fab faaaaaaabulous! And I am their queen.

I'm the queen! I'm the queen!


The drag show was hella fun. A little long at the end, but I was PMS-ing and feeling sick so I was a Miss Cranky-Pants. Joe dragged up for the amateur competition. I was so nervous for him before he went on. I thought I was going to puke. I had no need to worry, though. He kicked some serious diva booty. He won! He won he won he won! I was sooo proud of him. He looked hot. And he really was the best one there.

I love drag queens. They're the greatest. And Caesan looked amazing. I can't believe she's a he. Too weird. She was really pretty. She looked like Beyonce' and Janet Jackson. Blew everyone away. Pshaaaaw.

Yeah...then there was the Rainbow community dance on Saturday night. That was a lot of fun. I got the brilliant idea to buy cigars before going to the dance. They weren't real, they were the $2.50 pack of 5 cigarellos that taste yummy. Fun fun. It was a Kodak opportunity. hehe

And I social butterfly'd around the whole time. And danced my arse off. It was a lot of fun. And I met my soulmate. Of course he's gay. That always happens. The shocker is that he graduated from Tech. We joked about that the entire night. He was a huge sweetie. I adore him. Hopefully I'll get to see him again soon.

Aight, I should really study. Or at least do the mail. Blugh. Can you how motivated I am?

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: cheesy priethood commercial--GOD I HATE how dorky these are

Crush du Jour: hot gay boys *sigh*

Happy Thought of the Moment: drag show, Joe winning, tiara, great pix, skanking out, cute gay boys, not pettiness, smokin' cigars with my boys, pretty outdoor night scenes, cold water, breakfast, weekends of nothingness (mmmmm), good hair day, Full Throttle on DVD, quality time with Chrissy, hoodie weather, thunderstorms, John Mayer tix on the way (EEEE!!), poetry book, Fazolis, long talks, carving pumpkins, fabulous staff

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