Procrastinating Yet Again... [ October 02, 2002, 12:12 pm ]

So once again I'm procrastinating. Big surprise, right? And I can't type. I swear I just made like 10 freakin' mistakes in the 3 sentences that I've typed. Gah!

Surprisingly though, I'm feeling goooood (again). Hopefully this giddiness wave will last through the week. I really really am on a high. This rocks. I love it I love it I LOOOVE it!

Currently I'm workin' on my bulletin board for downstairs by the lobby. One's been finished for a while (I may have to actually change it soon...shit), but the other needs to be updated STAT. I've decided to be brave and do a board on homosexuality, seeing that it is Gay History Month. I really am hoping to change some minds, open them, have my residents benefit a little from what I do. That's my HUGE goal of the year--to promote open-mindedness. This is a good way to start, hey?

I'm kind of slightly worried that the board's gonna get defaced. But I realize that it's a possibility and I'm willing to re-do it as many as needed to get the message across about tolerance and acceptance. I think it's sick how closed-minded some people are, but I understand it as well, since I'm from a small closed-minded community and I had to overcome that. I know how it is when you think a certain way and believe in certain things. I understand it's hard. But on the other hand, this is college, so you SHOULD be open to new possibilities and experiences, y'know?

Tonight's the King and Queen Competition for Homecoming. My official title is Style Consultant for my fabulous friend Colin (the one who wrote I was a "sexy hottie" yesterday *grin*). Since the theme is "Welcome to the Jungle" we decided for the fun portion that Colin's gonna dress up like Mr. Peepers from Saturday Night Live. He got the red swim trunks, suspenders--the whole thang. It's gonna be sooo funny.

He wanted me to go onstage when he comes out so he could dry-hump me. Ummmm.....I'm not so sure about that. Knowing me though I'll probably end up relenting in the end and embarass the hell out of myself. But it'll be fun. Yeah.....GO COLIN!!!!

Aight, I need to go and skim through my Poetry shit. Greeaaaaat. I really like this class though. Not cuz of the content but cuz of the students. The more we get to know each other, the more comfortable we become, so it's gonna be like mass hysteria by the time finals roll around. That is fine by me. I just wanna have fun in class--I don't think it's a true college experience if you don't!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Days Go By by Dirty Vegas

Crush du Jour: Can't really think of one...

Happy Thought of the Moment: Fall weather, comfy sweaters, Mr. Peepers, almost being done with my bulletin board, Stitch, Maya Angelou comeing to campus in like 6 days!

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