Packing is the DEVIL [ May 03, 2002, 1:33 pm ]

This is just a quick entry. I am in the middle of packing. I hate it with a passion. It's one of the few things I hate. It's just waaay too much work. And I didn't realize just how much stuff I really had. It's horrible! I have a lot of shit! Ugh. Then tomorrow I get to unpack most of it at home for the summer. Wheee. This is not fun. Packing sucks packing sucks packing sucks. Grrr. I suppose I should go and actually get some more stuff accomplished. Whee

On a happier note: tonight Em and I are going to Spider Man tonight! Eeee! I am way psyched. And we're going to Applebees too. You know it's a small town when Applebees is a big deal. Lol. OK, enough procrastinating for now. Back to packing. WAH!!!

Ciao, dahling!


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