Pretty Bruise--preeeetty [ April 17, 2004, 1:49 am ] I just downed more than half of what's left of my NyQuil. It burned my nose. I'm thinking that that's not such a good thing. Humph.

Let this be a warning--if I babble, I blame it on the medication.


So I have a massive bruise on my inner right thigh. It's the size of my fist. And currently it's many shades of brown. It's a charming souvenier from the OAR concert Monday night. While i'm not exactly sure how I got it, I have a sneaking suspicion that it's from one of the many drunken people that somehow ran into me during the course of the concert. Either that or I ran into some protruding object. But the drunken concert-goer story is more exciting. Yeah.

The concert went over fine. About 1,600 people there. I said we wouldn't get more than 1,800, so na na, I was right. (I won't go into my spiel about having to cater to the community. I feel like I have to give it at least once a semester. And when I gave it this semester I got yelled at. Needless to say I'm a bit gloaty over here.)

The floor actually looked pretty packed. It was the genius of the production committee...I think. (Props to Brett and Jamey for that.) They moved the stage closer to the mixing booth, so when the people crowded onto the floor it looked really full when in all reality it was only 1,200 people and it's looked a LOT emptier before.

I was at the Berry from 10 am to 11:30 pm. And I wore cute (read: clunky heeled) shoes. My feet were d-e-d dead by the end. Yeah. I'm dumb, what can I say.

The production people--they were so nice to work with, thank GOD. Of course it's easy to work with anyone after you've had a British tour manager with bad breath screaming in your face about poached eggs and tea at 8 in the morning. (I'm invincible after the Counting Crows concert. Mwahaha.)

The usual shenanigans occurred before the show of course. I now know without a doubt what pot smells like. The fact that amuses me the most about this concert is that the producers were the most concerned about the alcohol. I have no idea how many runs Clayton ended up going on for them, but at least one of them resulted in a shit-load of Bud and Heinekkins. Aww, to be a rockstar.

The usual shenanigans occurred after the show, as well, if the scandals I've heard are true. There was no parade of bulimic barbies this time, thank god and I'm not disenchanted like I was after 311. The guest-list was small and the girls were actually closer to legal age this time. Good job, band!

The band was nice. They took pix and signed posters and were just nice. But they're not really big yet, so that may be why.

The concert--I'd give a review but I didn't get to see too much of it. I was "in charge" according to Bob, so every time there was an issue (which was like every 3 minutes) I got called on the headset.

Most of the issues involved stupid drunken people. I have never seen a more rowdy crowd. It was crazy. It wasn't even that bad for Ludacris. Hippies abounded and they were all either drunk or stoned or both. Charming. And they all hollered at me when they were too dumb to get floor bands. That was what the majority of the issues were about--wristbands for floor access. People. Are. Dumb. GRR. My favorite was the crying drunken guy. I caved for him. But only because his friends were former residents of mine.

Other charming people of the night included: the drunken hoes (including a pastor's daughter--trey amusing) that the hormonal guys let through with purses, the stupid NMU press guys who didn't arrange for press passes and then whined to me and like four other NAE peeps and the various drunken hippies that lost their shoes somehow in the course of the concert. (How does that happen? Please explain that to me.)

It was both eventful and uneventful. It was chaotic because there wasn't as much security when there probably should have been. I'll remember it because I was "chairing" the event (and because Bob was all diva on me the entire day). I handled it well, I think. It's over. I can breathe easy.

And now I can sleep because, thank God, I've done the obligatory concert rundown.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: I Want a Famous Face

Crush du Jour: Orlando Bloom

Happy Thought of the Moment: quality time with new friends, breadsticks, The Ladykillers (highly recommended--more on it later, I'm sure), my new pop mix, new magazines (not Cosmo--yay me!), chocolate, NyQuil

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