November is My Reading Month [ November 15, 2004, 12:24 pm ]

God-dammit. I slept through my Geography class this morning. I've missed almost a week of this stupid (and have I mentioned boring?) class because of sickness, laziness and/or stupidity. This morning I actually honestly forgot to switch the alarm. oh it was set all right--for 9:20 PM. Dammit. I'm praying to the Geography gods that Cassie's been taking good notes.

I really hate myself for missing this class so much. I truly intended to go this morning because I want to get a decent grade in the class. Rawr.

So yesterday? I did nothing. All. Day. Long. And it was fabulous. I brunched with the fabulous Ryan. And went to a surprisingly productive Mortar Board meeting. And then wreaked havoc on Marquette with Chrissy. And then I picked up the midnight shift for Jess. And that's it. Ok, so it sounds like I did stuff, but really it was nothing. It rocked so much.

And the best part? NOTHING BAD happened ALL DAY. Wooooo! Maybe the curse of this past weekend is broken. I'll keep my bloody fingers crossed.

Brett called me last night. I almost cried from the sheer relief of it all. He's doing fine--his fam took him to the middle of nowhere to recover. Good thinking, Brett's family. Kudos there. It was just good to hear him sounding normal, not all doped up like he was when I saw him Friday. The only thing that annoyed me was that he called my celly and the battery decided that it wanted to die ten seconds into the conversation. I almost killed myself tripping over the coffeetable as I scrambled to find the cell phone charger. Damn charger. Damn coffeetable. Damn celly. Damn, I have another bruise on my legs now.

I just remembered that I have a book report due next week. How far am I in the book? Oh, about 18 pages in. Maybe I should stop reading The Center of Everything (which is so damn good, FYI) and start reading A Heart-breaking Work of Staggering Genius, the book for my Non-Fiction Seminar class.

I should probably also be reading my Geography book so I'm not so clueless when I make my triumphant return to class. Gaah.

Sometimes I really do need to be slapped.

Ciao, dahling!


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