No Time for a Title [ July 24, 2003, 9:44 pm ]

Oh good God--Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is fucking hilarious. I cannot stop laughing. These 5 guys are every gay male that I know. Too great. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out the Bravo website so that you can watch it some night. It's fucking great.

Not a lot is going on in my life. Drama ensues with my family as they try to figure out whether or not they're coming down to see me before my birthday. After much arguing, a few tears and more than a few exasperated sighs, I've convinced them to travel the whole hour and a half to see me tomorrow. Hurrah!!!! KiKi mucho mucho excited.

I get presents!! Hehe.

Oh yeah--and my fam can meet my gay boyfriend Joe. Lalala.

(Plue I want Katy and I to have a quasi-photo shoot. Heheheheeeee. Gotta love those.)

Yeah, so plans are well under way for my birthday. Now my beloved coworkers want to get me hella drunk on Monday night.

Gotta say--I'm really kind of nervous. I'm all about celebrating me being 21, but I really don't want to get so wasted that I'm crawling and retching all over the place. NOT gonna happen. I know my limits--or I will know my limits I should say, since I've never really been that drunk.

I will persevere and get buzzed, toasted, nice and pleasantly drunk, but I refuse to get so completely wasted that I don't remember my special night.

And on that note, too, I will NOT drink anything that I don't want to drink. I promised Julia Gulia to drink a beer at Happy Hour because she begged me to, but I can most definitely guarantee that that will be the only beer that I drink for a loooong time, because if I find the smell of it nauseating, how the hell am I supposed to drink it?

Froofy pink drinks with umbrellas for KiKi, pleeeease!

Aight, I gotta get going. Joe and I are going to a gay bar. I get to play D.D. Yippee. Let's hope he doesn't start macking on some guy and leave me as a third wheel. That'd suck.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: commercials during Queer Eye

Crush du Jour: Sean W. Scott

Happy THought of the Moment: seeing family, Cosmo, chilling with friends, Joe cooking for me, shirtless GODS, clean dishes, non-smelly garbage, fun lipstuff, birthday in 4 days, bday plans, lots of sleep, enchanted mix, cute earrings

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