Latte kind of day [ July 23, 2003, 12:33 pm ]

It's a latte kind of day--smooth, tasty, highly caffeinated and charged.

I'm in a really good mood. I can't really put my finger on why.

Oh wait--yes I can. I looked online at my bill for NMU cuz tuition's due soon. And I knew that I wouldn't owe the school money, because I've received my financial aide package and everything. But I also didn't think that I'd be getting any money back--it didn't look that way when I looked at the package. BUT I looked online at my bill and did a bit of good ol' number crunching to see if maybe, MAYBE there was a small, teeny tiny possibility that I'd get a wonderous, giddy-inducing overage check.

The conclusion? HELL YES. I, KiKi Goddess of Brokeness, am getting moola back from my school. Woohoooo! And it's a pretty nice little check I should be getting too. Lalala.

Pardon me while I do my happy dance to the heavens above.


I'm also pretty psyched cuz dear Joe came up early. The reason he hightailed it up here 3 days early is shady (let's just say his bosses suck ASS) but I'm super-psyched for him to be here.

(MmGAAH--my ears are going to bleed. Uncle Kracker's "Drift Away" just came on Spinner. I don't mind it, but at one point, the other dude that sings with him sounds like he has a mouth full of shit and is deaf at the same time. Not good. Ahhh--I'm now jamming to the Ataris. Good times.)

So yeah--Joe's here. He arrived at promptly 2:07 AM. and forgot which apartment I live in, so he ended up knocking on boy-below-me's door. Our bad. Haha.

And he's such a sweetie (Joe, not boy-below-me). He brought me breakfast from 3rd Street Bagel. Mmm. It was heaven, sheer and blissful. Never has a scrambled egg and sausage concoction tasted so yummy.

I'm so excited that he's here. It'll be nice to have someone to raise chaos with before I move back to Hunt in a week and a half.

Gaah! I move back in a week and a half. In theory I should start packing, but do I really look worried? I think I'm taking on a carefree attitude of "I'm only moving 5 blocks down the street, if I forget something it's not gonna kill me to drive to get it."


And I'm so excited to go back. SO pumped. I can't wait to see everyone. But then I started thinking about training and how you have to wake up early and sit through some boring lectures. It's fun for the most part--especially seeing everyone and bonding. But now I'm starting to remember why I grumbled a bit last year. (No wonder Monique looked at me all funny-like when I jumped up and down with excitement when I talked about training. SHE remembered the boringness of it all.)

so, yeah, I'm pumped for the most part. But I'm also the slightest bit apprehensive because I haven't talked to my boss in over a week. I called her a couple of times to hang out or talk or whatever and I haven't heard back from her. *tear* I know that training started for her and the other RD's, though and that she went home last weekend, so I shouldn't read too much into it. I just hope she's not avoiding me or pissed at me or something. (Just gotta keep my fingers crossed....)

Aight, I'm thinking I need to trek over to the Den for some foooood. it's about that time.

5 days till I'm legal! Wooohoooooo! *gringringrin*

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My rockStar Fantasy to: "Never Leave" by Lumidee (SUCH a pretty song)

Crush du Jour: Richard Gere (I was listening to Chicago this morning....)

Happy Thought of the Moment: potential for overage check, Joe here, bagel sandwiches, lattes, caffeine jolts, devouring good novels, curling up under my fleece blanket, Boy Meets World, having laundry done (FINALLY), Nicholas Nickleby, Alan Cumming, more quotable thingys for me and Em ("It's hot remember!" -"oowww!"), popcorn, Art on the Rocks this weekend, photo shoots, black and white pix, Peter White library, halfway done with work today, looking goooood, new mascara

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