It's My Birfday (Almost...) [ July 27, 2003, 2:33 pm ]


I, Krissy, am almost legal. And by legal I mean....

*cue fun celebratory parrrr-tay music here*



I'm mucho psyched if you couldn't tell.


In like 9 hours I'm 21. It's exciting. And I know that it's not gonna change my life, but it'll be nice to not be excluded from something just cuz of my stupid age.


Life is fabby.

I feel so gooooooood. (heh heh--for you Em: I may be bad...but I feel.....gooooooood.)

And I got a manicure to celebrate my impending bday. I was a manicure virgin before Friday. And now...I have my own personal Paulette. (For those of you who are confused at the moment--Paulette is the kick ass manicurist from Legally Blonde.) If you're in Marquette go to Nails by Kate on 3rd Street. She (Kate) kicks ass. She gave me a prettyyyyyy nail job. It's deep pink with winged pink and black lines, sparkles and rhinestones on my pointer and ring fingers. I call the design "fairy wings." It's so pretty. I can't stop gazing at them. Hehe. They pretty.

I'm watching Lizzie right now. I must reiterate how much I adore this show. And how much I want it to be on DVD. It's so cute--and this Election episode is one of the first ones. SHe looks so little. Awww, cuteness. Hehe

(Yes I know how dorky I am. Shut up.)

And now on a completely different note--I want a tiara. I don't know why. I just really really want one. Haha. I kind of want to wear one tomorrow night as I celebrate with my friends. It's my night dammit! I may go hunting for one after Lizzie. Hmmm....

K, I think I need to finally get dressed. Aren't lazy Sundays great?


Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Freaky Friday" preview--I can't wait to see this!

Crush du Jour: Orlando Bloom (saw Pirates again last night--hehe)

Happy Thought of the Moment: art on the rocks, quality time with my friends, hagning out with Davide, Lizzie, new manicure (yaaay!), dinner with family, family presents, new Kelly Clarkson cd, Pirates fun (more on that later...), egg salad, caffeine, karaoke, pretty jewelry, fun ringtones, grapes, summer breezes, Stitch, bday tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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