Nostalgic High [ April 21, 2004, 1:43 pm ]

I figured out why exactly I love rainy days so damn much. There's maybe a million and three reasons why I love them, but in Econ I was finally able to put my finger on one of the main reasons.

I was sitting in the classroom waiting for class to begin. The curtains were drawn, making the room seem darker than it was. I could faintly hear the rain dripping on the windows, making paths down the glass.

It took me back to elementary school, to the rain-days when we weren't able to play on the playground. I was never fond of playing outside anyways because I always got scrapes or cuts or just made an idiot of myself. So I adored raindays.

The computer games. Sneaking into the library to find new and exciting books. M-A-S-H. The "fortune-teller" paper games. Dodgeball in the gym. Huddling in the corner with your closest friends and telling your "secrets". Sneaking into the bathroom to play Bloody Mary and "light as a feather/stiff as a board". Shrieking with excitement and fear when you heard a clap of thunder and the dazzling spark of lightning. Not paying attention during class as you watched rain pelt puddles and sidewalks and hit the glass at 54 miles-an-hour. Drawing on the chalkboard and guessing the word in hangman.....

All of these things rushed back to me as I sat there. It's all so clear. The most enchanting memories from my childhood have happened during rainy days.

Some of the most charming memories I have from the past few years have been from rainy days as well: dancing in puddles with Hannah. Playing frisbee in the VA courtyard with e-board members during a thunderstorm. Racing from store to store downtown as rain pelted a group of girls. Curling up with Chinese food and movies with friends during the summer in the midst of a storm.

Pure moments that I relive when the clouds roll in.

Rainy days will always be my favorite.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Champagne High" by Sister Hazel

Crush du Jour: Howie Day

Happy Thought of the Moment: feelin' nostalgic, good novels, new pure memories, late-night Econo food runs, yummy pizza, caramel apple cider, rain on the window, rainy day mixes, the scent of Pear-Berry, good evals, being done with Comm. Theory, summer nearing, warm fuzzies, curling under blankets, Casa soon, graduating from SLFP soon, Pookie

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