No, Make Me Over.... [ April 19, 2004, 11:38 pm ]

First off, I think I have asthma. This revelation just hit me about 23 seconds ago. I noticed that I only hack incessantly whenever I do something physical like walking up stairs and jogging down a hallway or something. After I do that I start coughing. Hard. Lots. Charming.

Maybe it's just a sign that I'm getting better. I can only hope...

Secondly, my right knee hurts like a motherbitch and I do not know why for the life of me. I feel like it got knocked by a 2 by 4 or something. It don't feel good.

I'm in fightin' shape, people.

Thirdly, I'm pissed at this stupid Communictation Theory extra credit. We have to find a study on nonverbal communication in this particular journal. Fine, whatever, I found mine in like 10 minutes. No biggy. It took me about an hour and a half to read through it because, well, it sucks and it's pretty damn boring. When I got to the end I found that the results are inconclusive. Excuse me? Umm...I want my hour and a half back. You don't make me read through a hella boring study just to find out that you couldn't figure anything out. What the fuck? I feel like I've just watched Jeepers Creepers. Except with that I laughed the entire time because of the chicken-man-monster. Needless to say, there wasn't a chicken-thingy to laugh at here. Curvilinear patterns may sound scary, but they sure as hell aren't funny. Dammit.

While reading the study I had on MTV. My beloved channel 32. I Want a Famous Face was on. I enjoy this show. It sucks me right in. I'm fascinated by the fact that people actually would shell out thousands of dollars for the fleeting chance to minutely look like a random celebrity.

It really actually saddens me. How low does your self-esteem have to be to go under the knife and inflict so much pain on yourself? It's so sad. To look in the mirror and despise yourself so much that you feel the need to look like another person in order to receive attention. It's unfathomable to me. These people are relying on money and others to make themselves feel good. It's so sad.

What they really need to do is spend like an hour with me. Because I'd make them feel good about themselves. If I couldn't make them happy with my get-happy handiwork, I could drag them around and have them watch me act like the dork I am. Anyone would feel a LOT better about themselves after seeing what it's like to be me. Then they'd be all "hell, my life is awesome--at least I don't trip on stuff all the time or feel the urge to put my foot in my mouth like Krissy."

This could actually be a really good business opportunity for me. Hmm...

In all reality, I really do feel bad for the people on the show. They so desperately want to be different, to essentially escape themselves. It makes me feel bad. Life must be really low for them to be willing to go through the pains of plastic surgery in order to find a little happiness.

It makes me appreciate what I have though. I'm not a supermodel, my skin sucks sometimes and I have barely any boobs or ass, but I'm happy. Happy enough that I'd never have a random guy slicing my ass to insert implants at least. Hell no. I. Love. Me. Even my flat ass.

I'm delaying the inevitable. I might as well just do that damn extra credit. Gaah.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Maroon 5's Songs About Jane (highly enjoyable--thanks to Jeremy for the copy--you RULE!)

Crush du Jour: noone really

Happy Thought of the Moment: feelin' better, hoodies, fast food runs with friends, feeling more confident about the meeting Friday, being done with SkillBuilders, manicures, good lip balm, the cd I'm jamming to, the Diva soap I found (hehe!), good makeup, warm blankets, Princess in Pink, cute photos, mommy, being almost done with the semester

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