Crazy, Thinking.... [ April 08, 2004, 10:33 pm ]

Ever get the urge to just go somewhere, anywhere as long as it's just away from where you normally are?

I had the unexplainable urge to just keep driving as I went to Wal-Mart tonight. I felt like I could have just thrown my car into cruise and travelled for ages--just me and my mix tape.

I did, too, to a certain extent. It felt exhilerating to speed past the store and go 10 over the speed limit. It's an invincible feeling.

My new religion: a highway at night with Dave Matthew's Crush pounding from my speakers.

It was the most beautiful thing I've felt in a long time. Indescribable at worst, epiphanatic at best.

To look out the rear-view mirror and see the lights of Marquette fade just jolted me into a different world.

Everything was at peace, nothing mattered, nothing bothered me.

I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt a tear stream down my face. Then another and another. To cry and not feel either happy or sad while doing that--it was an entirely new feeling.

I came away from that 30 minutes dazed, relaxed, changed. Nothing was different, nothing had been solved or accomplished. Yet it felt like everything had.

A highway at night with Crush pounding from my stereo. Nothing could be better.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Meant to Live" by Switchfoot

Crush du Jour: doesn't really momentarily matter....

Happy Thought of the Moment: read above entry

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