Ten Things I Hate About Me [ April 09, 2004, 8:00 pm ]

So I've determined that I'm a jealous person. And possessive.

Great--jealous and possessive.

How I'm not a villain is beyond me.

I'm selfish. I really am. I'm self-centered and I want everything for me. And while I understand that I'm my own best friend and I have to be self-involved to a certain extent, I'm thinking that I still kind of think that the universe revolved around me. Damn the princess complex. Grr.

I'm also a lush. And I'm equipped with a big mouth and even bigger set of vocal cords. It's a charming combination, for sure.

I don't know what I'm getting at with this entry. I'm not in a period of self-loathing or anything. And I'm not depressed. I actually feel pretty damn good at the moment. (And I'm not drunk, so shut that thought outta your mind--that'll be later. Heee *grin*)

These are all just things that are going through my mind. Well...really only the whole jealous and possessive things were running through my head. It's just been on my mind the past few hours. It sucks. It really does. Sometimes I think my friends are MY friends and my friends alone. It's stupid and immature, but I don't know what to do to not think like that. It's not that I think this all the time, but every once in a while, my shiny little green-eyed monster will flare up.

I hate it.

And I hate the idea that I'm not perfect. Because I'd like to be. But I'm not. Noone is--as much as I hate to pull that cliche' into this.

Like I said, I don't have a point to this. Maybe just take it as a public service announcement to not think. Because this (*insert big hand-up gesture*) is what happens. Gaah.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "I don't wanna be" by Gavin DeGraw

Crush du Jour: Mark Ruffalo (particularily in Eternal Sunshine)

Happy Thought of the Moment: happy moments, speaking my mind, hugs, being needed, Easter candy, cute makeup, my CBGB shirt, knowing what CBGB means (woo woo!), concerts, sparkly cute girly nails, Ella Enchanted, my contemplative mix (or my 5 of them)

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