Morning, Starshine [ October 06, 2003, 11:34 am ]

I've been awake since 7:30.

I'll wait while you all applaud me.

Thank you thank you!

Yet I was still late to my 9 am meeting. How do I accomplish this? Oh yes, because I'm brilliant. And because I was born with the late gene. I swear this is true. Emily has one too. Actually Em's mom has it, since her mom is chronically late. Worse than me.

But I do have the late gene. It sucks. Dave--the NAE advisor, Bob and the radio people all laughed at me as I rushed into the meeting late. My bad.

I woke up early for a sucky meeting. If I'm dragging my ass out of bed just to meet with you, Mr. Radio-Idiots, the least you can do is fake excitement. Or else you won't get the deal. That's a promise. Just smile and say "311? Hell yeah! This kicks some serious ass!" That's all. Excitement is good. Even when it's fake. Cuz at 9 a.m. I can't tell the difference.

I meant to wake up and eat breakfast today. But then I didn't. So in between meetings I wolfed down a bag of Cheetos and Strawberry Crush. Nothing jumpstarts a week like Cheetos and Strawberry Crush--breakfast of champions. Hehe

Aight, I gotta go to Fiction class.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Comedy central

Crush du Jour; boys are stupid, throw rocks at them!

Happy Thought of the Moment: Strawberry Crush, short meetings, good dreams, dancing, waking up to John Mayer, not punching the wall in my sleep

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