Maybe Jack Nicholson Can Help? [ October 05, 2003, 11:42 pm ]

I promised I'd be back to write about Saturday night. Because this little episode deserves an entry all it's own. Gaah.

I really enjoy how sometimes drama follows me around like a puppy. Or maybe I'm just over-reacting. You can decide....

So I decided to go out and have some fun last night. I figured that I deserved a night on the town to just let loose and socialize and have fun. Bob invited me to go out with his roomie, Denae, and Stephanie, our fabulous friend. (One of my only friends that is actually graduated from college, now that I think about it...not that that makes a difference because, really it doesn't. Anyways....)

So I should have known that since we were going out with Steph, Mr. Date (remember him???) was going to be there, since that was how we'd met in the first place. But I really didn't expect it. I should have, but I didn't.

And he was. We walked into Steph's house and I squealed as I saw Steph (cuz we're dorky like that) and I saw him. And I got a little jolt, because maybe maybe maybe....I still like him a little. Or I think that maybe there's still a chance. Who knows.

But the whole time we were hanging at Steph's I felt weird because I really didn't know what to say. Because I hadn't returned HIS call from two weeks ago. Which I felt bad about, but at the same time, it's been the busiest two weeks of my semester. For real.

And I was thinking I should talk to him or something and do a peace offering or something...and that I should do it before I began to enjoy the evening's festivities. But did I? I let it hang.

And we go to the club and we all dance. And Mr. Date dances. He doesn't dance. He usually has to be inebriated to dance. But he's not. And he dances. I was impressed. Quite impressed. And he looked nice--mainly cuz Steph had picked out his outfit, but he looked nice.

Then I tried to talk to him. But he's not a talker. And I just get more frustrated as the night goes on. Then I try to apologize for not calling, but he just kind of shook it off. He probably thought they were just words from a semi-drunk girl. Which they may have been, but I am even more clear and focused after the fun has begun.

After that I kind of gave up. He's introverted, I'm so not. Whatever. I just danced the rest of the night. And ignored whatever looks he was attempting to give me.

(Oh--note to Mr. Bob: I saw the thumbs-up you were giving to Mr. Date at Steph's house. Umm...huh? Did they have a special meaning? Cuz I kind of thought it was a plan or scheme of yours....that's just a theory though.)

So I danced the rest of the night away with everyone. Then Steph and Denae ran to get water and Bob started dancing with some skanky girls (umm...sequined bra top at the Shammy? A massive no on the fashion scale, thank you.). And Mr. Date didn't want to dance anymore, so I was dancing by myself. This guy came up and started dancing with me. Hehe--I grinded with a stranger. I'm so proud. *sniff* He was a damn good dancer, too. Mmmm.

I guess that freaked out some members of my group. I won't name names. Hehehe.


So then we headed to Taco Bell and I was mouthing off, telling Bob to shut up and being dorky/loud/really dorky. (Scene setup: Bob, Mr. Date and I were crammed into the backseat of Denae's very small Pontiac.) Mr. Date looks at me and says (I quote): "You have anger management issues."

What the FUCK?

I immediately responded by saying that he must not know me very well because if he did he would know that I was one of the happiest people in the world.

I am so confused. I was so pissed cuz he said it again later that night. So I said I was mad at him. So he said that I definitely had anger issues.

Then he said again that I had anger management issues at brunch this morning. Granted, I did slap his roomie last night, but I was joking. I'm a joking kind of girl. Cuz I'm silly. If he actually tried to SPEAK from time to time to talk to me than he may know how I am. (I should have told him that, but I just thought of him. Besides, I respect that he's a shy guy.)


He got to me. HE GOT TO ME. And that makes me angry. But I do NOT have anger issues. I have a great sounding board in my friends. And I have this journal to vent to. And I have pillows to punch if need be. And I have a loud voice to express my feelings. There is no way I have anger management issues.

It just pissed me off that he said that. He really doesn't know me. That's what this is really all about. And that stings a bit.

Unless he's just being a dumb boy to get my attention. Who knows.

And now I'm torn, because before last night I really had intended to call him. But now, I don't know. I thought about calling and leaving a message on his machine that involves me screeching and banging the phone against my wall, then saying "how's THAT for anger management?" I think Adam Sandler would be proud.

I don't know. The fact that I'm going on about this may mean something. Who knows. Maybe I just need to grow up. Or maybe guys need to stop being dumb.

I think I'll call him. Cuz I do think I care. Cuz I'm too nice. And how can a nice girl have anger management issues. Gaah.

Welcome to my contradictory world.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Clerks" on Comedy Central

Crush du Jour: not Mr. Date after his assanine comments....I'll go with Jimmy Fallon because at least his lines are funny

Happy Thought of the Moment: cartoons, procrastinating, good good GOOD HAC meeting, bump and grindin', chocolate pudding, venting, fuzzy sweaters, John Mayer tix, dancing, study guides

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