Boredness Reigns [ October 07, 2003, 4:28 pm ]


I'm so bored. Bored bored boooored. I hate this BC class. But can I skip? Umm...that's a negatory. I can only miss this class once or twice and not get docked. And I have like 3.4 gabillion of my residents in this class with me. Why the fuck are all my residents in my boring classes? It makes it that much harder to skip. Not that I really ever skip, but the temptation is so much more delicious with freshie classes that I hate.

I was thinking about it--the only class I really like is my Fiction class. Music in Society isn't too bad, but I really hate going every day. I like the two-hour chunks of class that you only have for 2 days a week. But I loathe my 2-hour/2-day-a-week Mass Media class. God, this sucks. I'm so stuck in it right now.

Oh good God....the crazy prof is talking about being (I quote) "randy." Someone shoot me.

Ooh--the crazy preacher man is on campus today. This always equals entertainment for moi. Hehe. I just gotta say how much I love my old Argumentation prof--Chimovitz. He kicks ass. I may have hated him during the class, but he's really cool. He was arguing with the preacher. And he's intelligent, so of course he was winning the debate. Yay him!

This is the most pointless entry. Blugh. Oh well. I'm gonna go and try to figure out how to dl music. Heh heh.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: the clicking of the keyboard and crazy lady babbling on....

Crush du Jour: "UUH" R.A.

Happy Thought of the Moment: Starbucks, cute IM convos, easy desk shifts, sleepy sleep, great residents, cute shoes, rockin' the whole glasses look, doing fabu on a test (hopefully...), hockey games this weekend, lucky ring, gorgeous weather

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