"LIFE ISN'T PLANNED...." [ May 30, 2002, 6:57 pm ]

It's gonna thunderstorm! It's gonna thunderstorm! It's gonna thunderstorm!!! EEEE! And the goddess couldn't be happier. Y'all know how much I enjoy them. They're one of the best things in the world. Apparently it's gonna be huge too. I can already hear the thunder rumbling. Oooohhhh. There's a storm warning for like every county in the UP--except Baraga and Marquette. There's a tornado warning there. Right. When does the UP EVER get a tornado? Like never. :p

Work update: we got a new cook. Actually...it's mullet man that I had been talking about before. He's really nice. He's one of the waitress' "friends" (sure, honey, we all know how that is...*wink*)

FYI: ooohhh--Mom's in a MOOD. She just grounded Katy. Brahahahahahahahaha! This IS gonna be a good night. :p

Ummm...nothing else is really happening in my life right now. Yeah, my life is boring during the summer. Sorry!

As for the subject of guys. They still don't suck really. I still enjoy them greatly. But I'm a little leary right now. They just have these moments of insensitivity.....like all the time. It kind of figures: just when I thought that I was ready to take a leap of faith.....guys have to go and be dumb. Like I said--they don't suck. I'm just on my guard right now. I'm gonna hold onto hope, because I'm still really optimistic about my sitch. Cuz that's what I do. But I totally am in the dark as to how HE feels about the whole thing. Which is the whole reason why I'm being so precautious. AHHHHH!!!! (Can you TELL I'm slightly frustrated??)

So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna just live my life. Cuz it's the best thing to do. And plus it's NOT the end of the world if nothing happens. I'll remain hopeful, but I will be open to any opportunities that may happen along (which I'm sure will be few and far between in the Keweenaw =/). And I WON'T be obsessive. Cuz that's just sad, and cuz I am above that--cuz's I'm a goddess, dammit!!! Yes--this is a good plan. This is a GREAT plan. I just have to keep telling myself this.

"Life isn't planned....it's a beast you just jump on and ride"--Vivi, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

I enjoy this quote a lot. It really stuck out when I read it last night. And it's how I live and am gonna live my life. Now I'm gonna go and get some cereal cuz its waaay too hot to cook. :p Ciao, dahling!


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