Fabby-Fab Day!!! [ May 31, 2002, 2:15 pm ]

Lalalalaaaa! Today is fabulous. I don't know why really, it just is. It's absolutely gaw-geous outside. Mmmm...so fab. And I put lots of moola into my account--THE GODDESS ISN'T BROKE!! Hurray! Plus I have a full tank of gas in my car. Yay! Happiness abounds in my life. The only little gray cloud? I have to work at 3. Waaaah! It SHOULD be my day off but my boss asked me to work today cuz some other waitress couldn't. Friday Fish Fry. I hear it's craziness run rampant. Totally busy. Which equals good tips for Krissy. So I won't really complain. Plus I get to work with Ivy so that is awesome. I think we work really well together. We always crab about the customers and guys sucking and life in general. It's pretty awesome. Yup yup--today is very good. I also bought the Friends DVDs Volumes 3 and 4, so I wont be bored for awhile. :p Not that I ever am since I'm so self-reliant and creative. hehehe (Not really, I just have to clean my room a lot and I have a ton of books to read and I like writing in here and my other diary and talking--between those things I don't think I'll EVER be bored. Hehehe)

In other news.....Em and I have started an email war between each other. Hehehehe--this should be TONS of fun. I started it today by quoting Chitty Chitty Bang Band. The object of the game (as far as I know and made up--since I AM the one who proclaimed it war) is to send the other as many dumb, funny, dorky, and/or stupid emails as possible. Preferrably quotes that only the two of us could find funny. And we have lots of inside jokes so this could last a LOOOOOONG time. Hehehe! EMILY--be afraid, chicky! I have tons of ideas of how to torture you from a hundred miles away. (I know I'm a dork, all, but at least I have fun and enjoy life, right? *grin*)

I gotta go now and get ready for work. Yippeeeeee! Em--I know I was supposed to have an entry about our movie. Look for it later tonight, babe, aight? Wish me luck so that I don't die fighting off the hungry hordes at the Cafe! Ciao, dahling!


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