In This Life [ November 25, 2004, 9:53 pm ]

Thanksgiving 2004. Instead of focusing on what I'm thankful for, I've thought about my life. Not that I'm an ungrateful bitch, but life in general has been on my mind quite a lot lately. And I'm still too stuffed to write a lot. So instead I present a list of life goals. Some are accomplished, most are not; this is a comprehensive list I've been dreaming up since I was 7....

Life Goals

- tour italy

- explore London

- have tea in London

- see a Broadway play

- learn to play bass

- learn to properly fish

- learn to salsa dance

- learn to play the drums

- camp�really camp; none of that girly stuff

- white-water raft

- visit Serendipity in NYC

- dance at and/or in front of the Moulin Rouge

- dye my hair bright red

- kick a boy�s ass at pool

- snorkel in Hawaii

- have my picture taken with a black and white-spotted (um, dairy) cow

- read more Shakespeare

- drive a Mustang

- be on a parade float

- enter a homecoming competition

- sample real sushi

- run rampant in Tokyo

- get published (I have in a sense, but I'm thinking globally)

- have own magazine column

- make out with a rockstar

- become quasi-famous

- acquire a six pack of abdominal muscles

- take a yoga class

- own a shirt that has �dork� emblazoned on it

- own a pair of Jimmy Choos

- shop on Rodeo drive

- window shop at Tiffany�s

- purchase my own diamond

- ride on a camel

- dance with and kiss the cutest boy at a club

- go to the Egyptian pyramids

- figure out how to grill out

- learn to make orgasmically good chocolate cake

- take one good black and white photo that will make people gasp

- go blonde�or at least have blonde highlights

- road trip across America

- see Madonna in concert

- tear up New York City

- go on a cruise and be pampered

- make my mark on the world

- do one good deed a day

- make at least one person smile a day

- donate to Green Peace, the Democratic party and the Red Cross

- fundraise for a worthy cause

- sneak backstage at a concert

- kiss under the Eiffle Tower

- make out in the rain

- have at least one god-daughter

- own a �boys are stupid� shirt

- ride in a hot air balloon

- learn to spin and dj

- learn the words to as many 80s songs as possible

- make up my own drink: the �Krissitini�

- see a taping of Saturday Night Live

- perform in the Vagina Monologues

- own a Vermont Teddy Bear

- have a signature perfume scent

- own a Chanel suit

- try an illegal substance�JUST ONCE

- visit Disney World

- collect multitudes of beads at Mardi Gras

- dance during Carnivale in Brazil

- survive in a rainforest for more than two minutes

- open a bookstore/coffeehouse

- become un-addicted to caffeine

- visit Australia

- play paintball

- eat a �rocky mountain oyster� (cow balls!)

- fall in love

- have my heart broken

Ciao, dahling!


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