Another Long-Ass Survey [ January 18, 2003, 6:08 pm ]

Yay! Another survey--aren't you all excited? What better way to waste my evening than talking about myself. Hehe. Thanks to SNL-fan21 (who, by the way kicks some major ass) for this fabulous thang! *grin*


200. My name is: Krissy

199. I was born on: July 28, 1982 at approximately 1:12 am

198. I am a: grrrl (or girl if you please)

197. My hair color is: currently an orangy-red color--actually quite funky and pretty!!!

196. My eye color is: "stormy" blue

195. My shoe size is: around a 7 and 1/2 I think depending on the show brand and style

194. My ring size is: I'm thinking it's like a 7ish

193. My bra size is: 36B (barely....)

192. My height is: 5'4"--more when I have cute chunky shoes on!

191. I am allergic to: closed-minded, snobbish people (and also spores in the spring--lucky me)

190. I live in: Marquette, MI

189. The last three books I read: Good in Bed, Message in a Bottle, Kissing in Manhatten

188. My bed is: a wonderful place where I don't get to spend enough time!

187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: no matter how mature we (as women) would like to think (and hope and pray) they are, they are absolutely the most immature objects on the face of the planet

186. I am glad I'm my sex because: when I look at the other option, I just have to laugh! Plus we get better clothes, cuter shoes, and we can cover up zits when we're PMS-ing!

185. A (guy/woman) that I have a crush on: Lets see.....Sex God, Jimmy Fallon, John Mayer, Orlando Bloom (I'm gonna MARRY him), Alan Cumming, Tobey MaGuire, Ben Affleck, Jesse Bradford--the list goes on and on

184. My best friends are: Emily, Christy, Hannah, my Mom.....

183. My BEST friend is (of the same sex): EMILYYYYY

182. My Best friend of the opposite sex is: Either Bob or Brett

181. Three things I can never resist are: cute & funny guys, yummy-smelling guy's cologne, the newest issue of Cosmo

179. My favorite pajamas are: My checkered flannel jammie bottoms and my favoritest tshirt from the Everclear concert

178. A perfect kiss is: unexpected, unpredictable and full of emotion

177. The last three CDs I bought are?: Something Corporate, Chicago movie soundtrack and Dave Matthews Band--Under the Table and Dreaming

176. Last song that made me cry was: Ummm.....probably "Your Song" from Moulin Rouge (I'm such a hopeless romantic)

173. I could not live without: Hair goo (or cute shoes)

172. My most treasured possession is: my scrapbook and photo albums

171. My three top pet peeves are: closed-minded people, people who never shut up and don't lemme talk, anything that wakes me up from a deep slumber

170. What did You Do Last Night: Haaa! Hung out with some of my most fabulous friends and just had fun. I also found out I'm not nearly as wussy as I thought I was! hehe

169. The funniest quote I know is: I'm going with the one Christy said before--"procrastination is like masturbation, it's fun until you realize you're fucking yourself"

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): Can we say "lobster girl?"

(142-133) I Do/Do Not Believe in...

142. Love at first sight? Oooh yes

141. Luck? Sometimes yes

140. Fate? Yup yup

139. God? Of course

138. Aliens? Uh-huh

137. Heaven? Oh yeah

136. Hell? there's gotta be a yin to the yang, so yes

135. Ghosts? depends on my mood, but usually yeah

134. Horoscopes? Not necessarily, but I read mine for fun all the time

133. Soul Mates? Most definitely

Which is Better?

129. Hugs or Kisses: a nice big bear hug is like butt-ah

128. Drunk or High: Umm...neither!!! (I'm a good girl.....mostly!)

127. Phone or Online: Totally hooked on instant messages

126. Guys with/without Hats: Either way, depends on the guy

25. Blondes or Brunettes: I'm such a sucker for dark-featured guys, it's not even funny

122. Guys with/without Facial Hair: Depends on the guy, some look really good with scruff or goatee

120. Night or Day: Night please!

119. Oranges or Apples: Both!

118. Curly or Straight: Straight, but I've always dreamt of perfect curly hair

(116-106) Here's What I Think About...

116. Abortion? I believe in a woman's choice--who are we to judge? I don't think I could personally go through with it though.

115. Backstabbers? Grr grr GRRR!

110. School? Me likey college! It's fun!

109. America? Huh? I love American I live here1

107. Love? It's a wonderful wonderful thing

106. Friends before Love: Some of the greatest relationships begin as friends. You never can tell.

(105-93) The Last Time I...

105. Took a Shower: I think yesterday--less than 24 hours ago

104. Talked on the phone: about 6 hours ago to my mentor

103. Kissed someone: Uhhh....

102. Hugged someone: about 15 minutes ago

101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: over break I got to see all my old friends and classmates--yay!

100. Drove: Wow--it's been over a week cuz my car's in the crappy parking lot! Grrr...

95. Grew: I don't know. I think I grew a bit over the past couple of months. (on a sidenote--my hair grows way too freakin' fast.)

91. I always ask: "Wha???"

90. The ditziest person I know: Gotta be me--although my friends all have their moments.

89. The one person who makes me laugh the most is: Emily

88. Which celebrity or famous person do you have a crush on? Jimmy Fallon--MARRY ME!!!

87. One thing I'm pissed about right now is: how cold and icky it is outside

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: Just Married (But I may go see JackAss at campus cinema tonight!)

82. Something I don't understand is: how closed-minded and judgemental and hateful some people can be for NO reason. It really sickens and saddens me.

81. One question that I want answered is: What is really the meaning of life?

82. The things I notice first about the opposite sex are: features--dark or not--the hair and eyes usually.

80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is: "Because I said so!"

79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: the way most of them can make me laugh without really trying and how cute they look while doing it.

78. This spring break I am: who knows. Perhaps shopping with Christy in Minneapolis and Chicago...or I may be at NACA depending on who's going and when it is...or I may be vacationing here in lovely stunning Marquette!

76. This Summer vacation I am: Uhhh...working, hopefully in Marquette

75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my family and Bella

(73-70) The thing that I'm looking forward to the most about...

73. Tomorrow: sleeping in and the staff meeting

72. Today: SNL and dinner

71. Next Summer: the beach and chilling out

70. Next Week: Ummm...I'll just say everything

68. I want to go to college: I'm there so this question doesn't apply to me!

67. People call me: Krissy or KiKi

66. The person who I talk to the most on the phone is: Either Em, Mommy, or Joe

65. The person I had the longest on-going relationship with was: We talkin' friendship or boyfriend here? Hmm

64. The person I have been friends with the longest is: Probably Em

63. The friend I would die without is: Any of my friends--they're all great!

62. The person who knows the most about me is: Emily--she could soo blackmail me if I became famous

61. The person who can read me the best is? My mom--it's kinda scary actually

60. The most difficult thing to do is? tell somebody something they don't want to hear

59. I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket? Have not! HAH! I got outta the one I really really should have gotten! Lala

58. I have the following siblings: 1

57. My favorite people are: my friends and family

56. My zodiac sign is: Leo

55. The first person I thought/think I was/am in love with was/is: Haaa, let's not go there, shall we?

54. The first person you dated (as in sig. other)? Mmmmmmm.....not saying

53. The one person who can't hide things from me: Mom--she usually tells me ALL

52. The person I find myself spilling my guts to is: any and all of my friends, cuz I trust them all.

51. Right Now I am talking to: nobody

48. I have a job at: the office of housing and residence life, working in Hunt hall as the AP

47. I have these pets: Hebert J, my pretty blue beta fishy

46. I wish I was: nothing, I'm fine with the way I am *grin*

45. The worst sound in the world is: that sound that my hand made smacking that guy last week was pretty bad....

44. The person that makes me cry the most is: Nobody I think

43. The best shoulder to cry on is: Mom's

41. I almost died when: I don't think this pertains to me, cuz I don't embarass easily (as illustrated by how many times I've been onstage during improv and comedy shows) and I haven't had any near-death experiences either.

39. My boy/girlfriend is: non-existant is the best word for this....but I'm trying!!!

34. My favorite state (other then my own)? Hawaii

33. My favorite piece of clothing is: the cute jeans I'm wearing now would qualify, or my NMU hockey hoodie, or my cowl-necked black sweater, or denim blazer or cute sweaters......

32. My favorite sport to play is: soccer

31. The best party I ever went to was: Ummm....I'm not really a party type of girl, can we just sit at home and watch SNL reruns please?

30. The last time I cried was: I've cried a lot lately cuz I've been laughing really hard A LOT this past week (I don't know why either, really...)

29. What I am wearing right now is: Cute jeans and a red rock-starish sweater with sleeves that lace half way up the arm--quite MTV-esque

28. The school I go to is: Northern Michigan University

27. The last person I pissed off was: Not too sure, hopefully nobody though!

26. My worst drinking experience was: Never had one, I'm a good girl! *grin*

24. The last movie I watched was: Amelie on Thursday night with Megan, Justyn, Todd and Christy ("I'm boooored, Krissy! Entertain me please!")

22. The all-time best movie is: Moulin Rouge!!!

21. The all-time best thing(s) in the world is: laughing and being blissfully happy

19. The most annoying thing ever is: fake people

18. The worst thing you could do to your best friend is: I'm not too sure. Em's cool I don't think I could ever really do anything to hurt her forvever...except maybe run off with Tim, Tom and David!

17. I lose all respect for people who: are mean and/or cold-hearted

16. The movies I have cried at are: Anything Disney, Moulin Rouge, Life as a House, ummm...anything dramatic would get me crying, believe me!

15. If I had to get married tomorrow, and could pick my wife or husband they would be?: JIMMYYYY! (You had to even ask???)

11. The worst pain I was ever in was: when I was struggling with what I found out about my Dad during last Fall about his abusive nature. That was the WORST feeling and pain ever. I hope nobody ever has to feel as I did then.

10. My favorite phrase is: "You're a dork!"

9. My room is full of: tons of pictures, DVDs, magazines, and CD's (basically anything that'll make Krissy happy!)

8. My favorite celebrity is: Ummm...probably Drew Barrymore or Alan Cumming...or Jimmy

7. My favorite cliche is? "to thyself be true" I hate that it's cliche, but it's so true. Once you realize this, all else just falls into place

6. My downfall is? I can be short-tempered, waaaay too independent, and really stubborn

5. My Weakness is? people who can make me laugh (particularily cute guys!)

4. What turns me on is? a GREAT sense of humor

3. I want this to end because? I'd like to nap or go and get food

2. I filled out 200 questions because? I'm kinda bored and there's nothing on tv

1. Was it fun? Oh yes--good times!


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