Long-Ass Survey [ January 17, 2003, 8:27 pm ]

It's Friday night and you have NO idea how freakin' bored I am. Seriously. I'm about to complete a 200 question survey cuz I'm sooo bored. Here goes:

1.First Name: Krissy

2.Were you named after anyone? My mom swears I'm not, but I don't believe her--I think she named me after Chrissy from Three's Company

3.Middle name: Elizabeth

4.Last name: Ahaha--not saying. If you know me you know my last name

5. Nicknames: KiKi, Krispy-K, Kissy-Fur, Burger, Dork, AP

6. Birthday: July 28, 1982

7.Zodiac Sign: Leo

8.Age: 20

9.Grade: Ummm....15th??? (Junior in college)

10. Favorite Colour: Orange or purple

11.Height: 5'4"

12.Shoe Size: 7 and 1/2

13.Hair Colour: Red! *grin*

14. Eye Colour: "Stormy Blue"

15.Siblings: Just Katy

16.Last cd you bought: Chicago motion picture soundtrack

17.Last movie you saw: Amelie

18. Last movie you rented: I don't even remember--I think it was Emperor's New Groove with Em

19.Favorite school Subject: Anything to do with writing or PR

20. Least favorite school subject: Anything that has to do with Math or Science. Ugh

21. Do you actually like math? HELL NO

22. Who's your BEST friend? Emilyyyyyy!!

23. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? I gots meself a crush....

24. What's his/her name? Umm...could it be Sex God?

25. Favorite actress: Sandra Bullock, Drew Barrymore

26. Favorite actor: Ewan McGregor, Alan Cumming, Ben Affleck

27. Favorite movie: Moulin Rouge, Lilo and Stitch, Princess Diaries, Serendipity, Harry Potter, Oceans 11, Charlies Angels, Ever After, Lion King, On the Line, Swingers

28. Favorite TV show: Saturday Night Live, Friends, Osbournes, Real World

29. Favorite song: "Crush" by DMB

30. Favorite singer/band: John Mayer

31. Favorite book: the Harry Potter and Princess Diaries books

32. Favorite store: Borders!!!

34. What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? Sense of humor, sweet, sensitive, deep, intelligent, independent

35. Have you ever smoked? Just a couple of ciggies

36. Do you do any drugs? Brahaha--just caffeine

37. How many people are on your buddy list? About 120. Wow....

38. Who's your favorite relative? My aunts--they're all cool. And most of my cousins kick ass too!

39. What's your favorite sport? I like soccer, and I adore swimming

40. Are you on any sports teams? Brahaha--NO

41. How long are you in the shower? Usually between 10 and 20 minutes

43. Favorite ice cream flavor: Half-baked

44. If you are a girl, what makeup do you wear every day? Usually just mascara, lip gloss and eye shadow

45. Guys with or without hats? Totally depends on the guy--usually they look good with hats on though

46. Favorite Food: Mom's taco salad (I could go for some right now. Mmmm!)

47. Worst Fear: Dying alone and unloved--or being unsuccessful

48. Have you ever liked someone and couldnt tell them?: Are you kidding? That's sooo me all the time. I hate making the first move!

49. Best feeling in the world? Feeling loved and happy

50. Worst feeling in the world? When somebody stabs you in the back

What do You Think Of:

51. Bill Clinton: Good prez, bad press, Monica Lewinski

52. Love at First Sight: I'm sooo for it--I totally believe in it.

53. Abortion: I believe in woman's choice

54. Teenage smoking: There's a legal age for a reason people!

55. Eating disorders: Tragic--what is wrong with society when it drives people to eat and vomit or not eat at all.

56. Rap: Another form of expression. I LOATHE gangsta rap with "bitches" and "hos" and stuff, but some stuff really is poetry.

58. Marilyn Manson: Strange, misunderstood, I realize that he's trying to make society reassess their values with the statements he's making.

59. Boy bands: Yay--fun!! I adore NSync!

60. Spice Girls: They are sooo 1997! But SpiceWorld is still a classic fun movie!

61. Premarital sex: Uhh...I'm not totally against it, I'm not gonna lecture. If you're in love that's for the best, but it's up to the couple.

62. Titanic: I still love this movie. I haven't seen it in a while...

63. Jerry Springer: Total trash tv, but still sooo much fun to watch!

64. Rape: Disgusting, all rapists should be locked up and treated to shock therapy for the rest of their lives.

65. Suicide: Tragic--I can't believe that some people think their lives are so horrible that they'd be better off dead. =(

66. Self-Mutilation: Another tragedy. I've seen it happen, it does get better. Those who do it just need to be reminded of how fabulous they are. It's frustrating for those who can only watch from the sidelines and feel helpless. I wish I could do more to stop this disease.

67. South Park: I LOVE this show. It's too too funny. I like the fact that I can just sit there and not think for a full half an hour.

68. Dreams: Yay for dreams! I'm a believer that any and all dreams can be achieved if you set your heart to it.

69. Drinking: Ummm....not a good idea if you're underage, but we can't all be perfect.

70. God: I believe in him, but to each his own. Believe me--I have questions of my own and I'm nowhere near gettin' the answers. Can I just say I'm spiritual? Yah...

What comes to your mind when you hear these names....

71. Ryan: Phillipe--mmm, he's so cute.

72. Bob: Brahahahaha! This name makes me laugh. Bob Doooole!

73. Justin: Timba-Timba-Timbalake. What a cutie!

74. Katie: Awww, fabulous Katie who's on staff with me. I love her! *grin*

75. Paul: Former classmate of mine who I had a crush on from 3rd to 6th grade--what a great guy!

76. Stacey: Sounds like a snobby name, but I don't know anybody with that name

77. Steph: Couple of sweet friends with that name

78. Brian: The first thing I thought of was Brian Boitana--the figure skater

79. Jenna: rich bitch from my church--but Katy swears she really nice now. Uh huh...

80. Trevor: Weird boy who does his own thang

81. Vinny: Grooooan--makes me think of Vin Diesel. Ugh ugh ugh!

82. Jessica: Total sweetie

83. Heather: GREAT friend of mine--free-spirited and fun

84. Erin: Berky! What a fabulous person

85. Amy: Good name--never met a bad Amy

86: Sara: Good name I guess?

88. Danielle: girl who got confirmed with me--kinda annoying but loyal and tough--let's hope she doesn't end up in Suburban hell *shudder*

90. Adam: YAY for Adam!! Total sweetie!!!


91. Did you dress up on Halloween?: Always!

92. What/who were you? Kelly Osbourne

93. What CD is in your CD player right now? Nelly Furtado, John Mayer and a mix cd

94. Do you have a job? Yup yup--academic programmer, baby!

95. What college do you want to go to? Duuh--I go to college--Northern...naturally

96. What does your school look like? Decent-sized--about 8,000 students, looks like a frozen tundra right now with all the freakin' snow

97. Have you ever been out of the country? Yup

98. Where?: haha--just Canada

99.What is your religion? Like I said: more spiritual, but I was raised Lutheran

100. Do you believe in heaven & hell? Of course

101. Do you believe in Angels? Hell yeah--I have a guardian angel that keeps me from getting in too shit deep!

102. Do you believe in aliens? I believe in other forms of life....

103. Do you believe in yourself? Hells yeah! GO ME!!!

104. Do you want to get married? Probably eventually

105. What's something you do that pisses off your friends? I have a big mouth that I shoot off--that usually does the trick

106. What is your favorite music video? I love the video for "Weapon of Choice" with Christopher Walken dancing around the hotel--it always cracks me up

107. Do you have any stuffed animals? Yup yup

108. Do you have any bad habits? Biting my nails and obsessing about how I look--but I'm getting better!

109. Whats your favorite restraunt? UpFront and Company or the Library

110. Where is your favorite hangout? My room or any of my friends rooms...or the coffeehouse

111. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi!

112. David Letterman or Jay Leno: Leno

113. MTV or VH1: MTV--I WILL rule it one day!

114. Spice Girls or All Saints: Yay for Spice Girls

115. Matt Damon or Ben Affleck: Ooh GAAWWD. Ben is sooo freakin' hottt!

116. Beverly Hills 90210 or Dawson's Creek: *groan* neither

117. 7th Heaven or Party of Five? *grooooan* neither!!

120. Apples or oranges: Yum! both

121. Chocolates or flowers: flowers

118. Diet Pepsi or Pepsi One: Neither

122. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla

123. Black or white: black

124. Silver or gold: silver

125. Favorite name for a girl? Elise or Madeleine

126. Favorite name for a boy? Chase

127. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? the Carribean or Hawaii or someplace warm

128. Where do you wish you could be right now? At Christy's having fun! *grin*

129. What are you thinking at this very moment? Umm..the guy I like, but more about how freakin' looong this thingy is

130. What do you think of the song pretty fly 4 a white guy?: It cracks me up! The video rocks!

131. Are you a vegetarian? Yeah right!

132. Favorite kind of clothes? Anything comfy

133. The last phone number you called? Emily's I think

134. The last TV show you watched? That's so Raven

135. The last words you said? I just laughed out loud--does that count?

Have you ever:

136: Been on a plane-Yeah

137. Went swimming in the ocean-Yeah, its a lot different than swimming in Lake Superior!

138. Been to Europe-Not yet!

139. Been to Mexico-No

140. Been to the USA �Duuhh, I LIVE here

141. Been to Australia-Not yet

142. Been in a school play � yup yup

143. Cried in public � more than once

144. Let a friend cry on your shoulder � all the time! That's what friends are for!

145. Fell asleep in the shower/bath- Huh? how could you do that?

146. Fell asleep while eating � Maybe when I was 2 or something...

147. Gone to Church � Umm..yeah!

148. Read the Bible � not for a loong time I haven't

149. Climbed a tree � not since I was 9

150. Watched Dawson's Creek � that is SUCH a retarded show

151. Gone skiing - haha--just once, when I totally killed my left knee. NEVER AGAIN

152. Gone snowboarding � I want to!

153. Been on a motorcycle or motorbike � Oooh yeah, my dad was soo into Harleys when I was little.

154. Fell asleep during a scary movie � No! Usually I'm too scared!

155. Never slept during a night- Yeah, but not since my senior all-nighter grad party

156. Been to a camp � yeah Bible Camp. Brahaha

157. Played field hockey � nope

158. Played soccer � Just with Em and Justin!

159. Been to a Major League Baseball game: Ummm...would never WANT to!

160. Saw a pro basketball game � don't really wanna

161. Seen the Harlem Globetrotters � nope

162. Kissed a guygirl � mwahaha

163. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering anything? No, usually I'll get something small at least--it's rude if you don't!

164. Eaten sushi- Yeah, it was interesting

165. Eaten fish � Yumm! Yeah!

166. Eaten caviar � I think I have...

167. Seen someone die � I'm thinking nooo

168. Wanted to die � Not really

169. Met a celebrity � Yup--Mmm, Mark McGrath is hottt in person!

170. Met the president � Of the US? No.

171. Driven a car � Yeah, all the damn time!

172. Didn't wash your hair for a week � GROSS! No!

173. Peed in the shower � Oh come on, who hasn't?

174. Broken something valuable � I don't think so

175: Skipped school � not high school, but I've skipped a couple of classes once or twice in college. *grin*

176. Ice Skated � of course!

177. Roller Skated - Yeah, I suck at it--big surprise

178. Bought ice cream from an ice cream truck - Aww! What a happy childhood memory

179. Used your parents credit card (with permision) � Yeah, like once

180. Been scared to get a shot � when I was 5

181. Gotten a cavity � yeah, but I went 18 years before I got one--that's gotta count for something!

182. Broke your arm � nope--amazingly

183. Been given stitches - Yup, on my chin when I was 5. Still got the scar too!

184. Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch- Shopped there, yes, bought stuff no--it's too overpriced for me.

185. Shopped at Gap- Yeah that's a fun store.

186. Shopped at Old Navy � Yup--tha't even more fun!

187. Thought you were in love � Not realistically

188. Had an relationship? � Not really

189. Watched MTV at 4 in the morning � Yeaaah

190. Have you ever tipped over a porta potty- Can we say Jackass? No way! That's soo freakin' immature!

191. Made prank phone calls � In middle school

192. Gone out with a guy/girl you knew for 3 days � Nope

193. Gone into a hallway and done the nasty � Ummm...no

194. Gone skinny dipping � Hehe...yes

195. Snuck out of your house � Never had to or felt the need to

196. Said I love you and meant it � Yeah

197. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved � Never been in love love

198. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone � Nope

YAY it's done! Now onward to Christy's for mayhem, chaos, and lotsa fun! Hehehe

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