Blissful Night [ January 17, 2003, 12:52 am ]

THIS is the true meaning of college: hanging out with some of your closest friends, noshing on pizza, joking around, watching movies, laughing, and just generally have a fabulous time. No tensions, no worries, no stress, just fun.

That was what I did tonight. No parties or alone-time or meetings or staff bonding, just quality time with some of my favorite people in the world. Christy, Todd, Megan and Justin (Megan's cutie-pie boyfriend) were all hanging out in my room for the better part of the night. It was bliss. Just sitting there joking and laughing and relaxing with them was so great. I'd forgotten how fun it is to just chill out with some of the friends you love best. It seems like forever since I've done it, y'know? I mean, I'm always hanging out with friends and the people I love, but it was just different this time. I don't really know why, I can't put my finger on it.

It was just bliss. Pure and simple. Mmm

Ummm....I'm trying to think of what else has been happening lately. Not too much. There was an NAE meeting last night--the first of the semester Some newbies joined, including Todd, which is GOOD cuz now he won't be bugging me about what bands may or may not be coming to our campus. Thank GAWS. (And Christy says she's gonna start coming to meetings next week too, so that'll be even more fabulous.)

It's really kinda funny cuz me and Brett were talking after the meeting about the "future" of NAE. Meaning, we were figuring out if it's at all feasible for us to chair and co-chair it next year. I really would like to step up and be on e-board, and I know that Brett would too. And I really don't know who else in the group has a lot of experience or the leadership needed to help run a group of NAE's magnitude.

I'm NOT trying to sound like I'm such a great leader or that I know all there is to know, because that's certainly not true. What I'm saying is that I don't think anybody else would really qualify because we had a big overturn with members this past year and we've gotten a bunch of new members, who are still learnin' what NAE is all about.

So yeah--we got pretty excited because we work well together and we know that we could do a decent job. And we were talking about NACA--the national conference for entertainers and college entertainment groups where we get a lot of ideas for small acts. It's always HUGE and a really big deal. This year it's in Nashville (yeah yeah, home of hicks and country music *shudder*). That's kinda far away. But we (Brett and I)have this little campaign/theory. We WANT to go--really really really really really really badly. You have no idea. It'd be the shit if the two of us got to go. And there was a rumor going around that NAE is only sending 2 people to the national conference, probably cuz of budgeting and all that shiznit. I don't know if it's true or not, but we've had our hearts kinda set on it since October when we found out about it. How kick ass would it be if I got to go to Nashville and check out all these amazing acts? That'd be the best! I really shouldn't say anything or get my hopes up about the subject, but I'm gonna shoot my mouth off for a second anyway. I know that a lot of members are rooting for me and Brett for next year. If this is true, then perhaps that'll help us get some pull for the conference and all that shiznit. Hmmmmm


Aight, I suddenly feel the need to go and read Good in Bed. Probably cuz Megan's pressuring me to finish it so that she can read it! :p I'm gonna curl up with the book now. How fabulous!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Carry On Dancing" by Savage Garden

Crush du Jour: Ewan McGregor, Keanu Reeves, Orlando Bloom

Happy Thought of the Moment: chilling with friends, wandering Blockbuster, cute hair color, gossiping in the hallways, potential Spring Break plans, good books, thin crust pizza, Kool-Aid, no stress for this weekend, pop can money (ehehe--I love living in Michigan sometimes), cute shoes, scrapbooking, Disney Days calendar, hearing from friends I haven't seen in forever, good emails, easy classes, writing prose poems, cute skirts, fuzzy slippers, romantic-y snow, my fishy

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