Shoe shopping soothes the soul. Let me just say that. Cuz it is the TRUTH. I never knew this before. Yes, I enjoy shoes, and I've always gotten a thrill from gettin' a new pair or two but I never realized that it could be a bonding and therapeutic experience. Mom had to go to the doc's again today (still no signs of what the hell she could have) and then we went to lunch and shopped for shoes. I got a new pair of backless Sketchers like I'd wanted. Yay! They're really cute. And I also got a pair of New Balance. I found out that I have really small feet. Really small. I fit into size 6 and 1/2 for the Sketchers. And size 5 of boys were almost too big for me. We bonded over shoes. It was cute. Mom even got a new pair. So we're both pumped. I love spending time with her. I realized that life moves too quickly and I have taken Mom for granted for WAY too long. And that is going to change. Starting now. =)

Lets see...what else is going on in my world. OH--apparently I'm attractive and wanted by older men. That is just great. And by older men I don't mean the more-mature "I'm 15-years-older-than-you-and-ohsovery-sexy-and-smoldering"/I-could-be-Brad-Pitt-or-George-Clooney's-twin older guy. No, that is NOT my luck. I mean, old as in member of the geriatric club, I-like-my-vegetables-and-hearing-aide old.

I was getting my oil changed in my car yesterday. (Poor Lancelot was dying to get it changed. He was beggin' me.) My plan was to chill at the coffee shop across the street and read til it was done. But it was closed for some retarded reason. Grr! All I had wanted to do was read my book and sip soad. (One idea of a perfect afternoon to me.) So instead I ended up conversing with the owner of the garage. Who apparently thinks I'm the greatest thing since Marilyn Monroe. He was asking about how many boyfriends I have (none, but working on it thankyouverymuch) then continued by saying that he'd gladly fulfill that role. And then he said that if I needed someone to "practice" on, he'd be glad to volunteer. GROSS GROSS GROSS. He's a sweet old guy usually but I felt sooo disgusted by that. All I could do was laugh, then bury my face in a book.

And he wouldn't shut up! He kept saying it. The oil change couldn't go fast enough. He wanted to take me casino-hopping. Right. I think that he was totally teasing and having a bit of fun with me, but still. It kind of creeped me out. On the bright side, I know that I'm not a complete gremlin, and that I am capable of picking up guys...even if they are older than dirt.

I went on a shopping spree yesterday. It was kind of nice. I got the cutest watch (from Wal-Mart the devil store)--it's Tinkerbell. Soo adorable. I also got my copy of Harry Potter. I have yet to watch it, though. Pookie and I have a "date" to watch it together tonight. She's never seen it, the poor deprived child. I also got a couple of books since I seem to be ripping through them and a shitload of earrings since they were on sale. Very cool. The thing that made my day though? As I was walking out of the mall, this car drove past with two hotties in it. They spun around and parked by me. All I could do was wave, grin, and pull away while they stood there looking stunned. Yes yes, I know that I'm fabulous. *grin* (And I consider it a bonus that they were MY AGE!)

To recap my adventures of the past couple of days: shoe shopping is good, old guys hitting on me is bad, Lancelot is much better with fresh oil, Emily is a dork (read my guestbook--she's the "princess" that signed about manta rays *grin*), shopping is lots of fun, and my day can be made by two guys who see the goddess in me. Hehehehe

I feel a happy list coming on:

~Vertical Horizon: I rediscovered their cd last night. It totally made the memories of freshman year of college come flooding back to me. Semi-sweet, but ohso delicious

~"Strictly Ballroom": Ooohhh....Baz is a genius. This is another gem. Soo enjoyable, so cute, so elaborate in the Baz sort of way. I LOVE it. The guy is a hottie too. I love guys who can dance. Yummmm! And the scene in the beginning where he's dancing by himself in the wifebeater. OhmyGAWD! *drooool*

~Fruit bars: they're just so good

~Fresh fruit: yum yum yum--a sure sign that summer is here

~~"Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood": I just started reading it today and I can't put it down. I am going to finish the book before the movie comes out on Friday

~The scent of coconut

~People who sign my guestbook (again--thanks to those who do. I love it to bits!)

~Thunderstorms: we had one last night. I was in heaven!

~My new shoes: cuz, yes, I am materialistic, but they're so cute!

~Random hot guy sitings: cuz lately I've been seeing the hottest dark-featured guys around for some reason. Not that I'm complaining...

~Payday: tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow!

~My bonus from the concession job: I get over $100 just for staying for the whole year--how fabu is that? I just hope that Rob sends it to me soon.

~Hayden Christainson: Have you SEEN him? He's gorgeous and he can act.

~Having no bills

~Having a full tank of gas: cuz I will after tonight. HURRAY!!

~Reality TV: I am soo hooked on all the shows...except for Survivor for some reason. :p They all rock. Yay for reality tv!!! *grin*

~Chilling out: I don't get to do it enough, so the fact that I get to do it today is just fabulous.

~A clean bedroom: really, it WILL get clean soon

~Decorating my room: I'm such a dork I know EXACTLY how my room is gonna be when I move in August. And I am BEYOND excited. Y'all better come and visit A LOT!

K, mom is complaining about having phone calls to make. So I need to get off. Waaah! Until next time...Ciao, dahling!


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