In the name of Krissy, KiKi and the KiKi-Beast [ November 22, 2004, 11:08 am ]

Today I woke up and my eyes weren't crusty! Huzzah!

Ok, that's gross, I know. But welcome to my world. The sinus infection spread to my eyes this weekend--I know some of you heard me whining about pink eye. It made my eyes crusty at night. Yes, it was nasty. I wanted it to go away, so I went to Wal-Mart and marched up to the "consult a pharmacist" window to, um, consult a pharmacist.

Scene: me, in a hoodie and jeans, donning my glasses, phlegm coating my lungs, snot practically dripping from my nose, eyes all watery and semi-pink. In other words I looked like a beast. Kiki-beast. A sickly Kiki-beast. Hot.

Snooty-looking Pharmacist: may I help you?

Me: Yeah, I think I have pink eye and I don't want it so give me something to make it go away.

Pharmacist: *slowly backs away from counter* Yes, it's a viral thing. You can't cure it. But you should go to a doctor. The walk-in clinics open.

Me: I came here because I didn't want to go to the walk-in clinic where they would tell me what you JUST said. Gimme eye drops.

Newly freaked-out Pharmacist: Eye drops won't hel--

Me: I'm doing it more for my friends and for peace of mind. Now. Show. Me. Where. Eyedrops. ARE.

He RAN to the eyedrop section. Then he ran away. But I gots me my eyedrops. And they did help. Stupid pharmacist. What the hell would he know? He works at Walmart for Christ's sake.

Haha! Speaking of Christ, I got the funniest email from the president of an honor society I'm in. At our last meeting we signed up to get stuff for homeless people for some shoebox Christmas thingy. I signed up for Chapstick. There was some confusion. Here's the email:


Just a reminder that the following people have signed up to donate the following items for shoeboxes:
Christ--women's and men's chap stick (not sure if this is a joke, so if you signed up for chap stick, please bring it to the meeting)

Apparently I sign my name so it looks like Christ, not Krissy. Take note--this is the only time I'll be mistaken for the chosen one.

Ciao, dahling!


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