Dr. Dirt [ November 21, 2004, 9:51 pm ]

It's amazing that Mary-Kate and Ashley are as cute as they are now. They were a couple of ugly kids on Full House. I mean, seriously, they weren't beautiful little girls at all.

The sinus infection wears on. It's been an on-going battle between me and my system since Wednesday. Not fun. I'm grateful that I didn't get sick until after NYC, the election and Cosby, but now--damn. I'm so sick of being sick. I wake up every morning and feel like death warmed over. I almost hack out my lungs and enough phlegm for...well for one girl. I was going to get all graphic and snarky, but my brain can't function like that right now.

I'm also trying to study for Geography. I. Hate. This. Class. Now I'm learning about Earth's crush. Oooh, the excitement. I'm sorry, but I refuse to get excited about dirt composition or geysers. I've gotten C's on all of my tests. I think my grade is almost solidified. I accept that I'll get in the C-range in this class. Honestly, if I get a solid C or above I'll thank the gods. Hell, I'll name my first child Geyser if I get a C or better in this class. I promise.

Sigh. I should go and study some more. I had a cracked-out dream that I totally forgot about the test and didn't study at all for it and then was late, to boot. That ain't happening.

Ciao, dahling!


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