Crushes, Weak Ankles and Karma--My Life is so Random! [ January 14, 2003, 12:53 am ]

So computer class wasn't totally bad. Yay! I'm completely happy about that. I actually think that it's gonna be kinda easy. The prof seems to understand that some stupids are completely computer retarded, so he explains everything in detail and slooowly so that everybody understands. And the material is pretty easy...or so it seems right now. I mean, we're spending 3 weeks on Windows XP and email--how hard can this course really get? Haha

Easy A. Yay! I love classes where I don't have to work so very hard. Sometimes you just need to have easy courses.

And--bonus!!--Adam's in the class, too, so at least now I have a bitching-partner/entertainment. Yay! Kick ass!

My night's been pretty uneventful. I saw my crush unexpectedly. Here's me face-to-face with him: "duuuh." Seriously, whenever I see the guy I like (and I'm talking just in general, not just with SG) my brain decides to just shut off and not function. Which leaves me looking like a dork. Whatever. It completely made my night, and made me giddy and hyper. Heheheheeee

Mwaha--I just thought of this too. I saw Intellectual guy today in TFA on the staircase. NOT the best meeting spot to see a former crush. Cuz of my gracefulness of course. So we're passing each other and I get a compliment about my hair and I grin and try to take it gracefully and keep going on my merry little way. My damned ankle decides to slip and I nearly tumble down the stairs. Luckily I caught myself and straightened up within half a second, but still.

Why am I so damned klutzy?? Gaaah. This mystery will never be solved I fear. The only thing I can think of is that I have really weak ankles. Which is feasible when I think about it. Most of my tumbles occur because my stupid ankles twist or roll or something. Maybe I should see a doctor or something. Maybe....

So happiness reigns in Krissy-World as another Joe Millionaire ended tonight. I am sooo freakin' addicted to reality shows. It's kinda sick. Christy thinks that I like them because I'm secretly catty underneath my sweet and innocent exterior. Which is true to a certain extent, I'm sure, but I really just enjoy seeing how stupid some people are.

Anyways....the reason for the happiness is that Heidi the Bitchy Banker didn't get picked for the final 5 chicks!!! YAAAAAY!!!! There is hope for humanity yet. I totally thought that she was gonna get picked, but nope--she was totally snubbed. Cuz Evan thought that she was just in it for the money. Which is what I was thinking all along. Lala. I was shocked and stunned--but this is a good thing. Yay for bitches getting what they deserve. Ok, even if it is just ONE bitch getting her due.

Karma, honey. What goes around WILL come back around. I've always believed it, and it was just sooo reiterated on the show tonight. Lalala

I just need to say really quick how much I love my boss and my staff. Tonight's meeting was totally chaotic and fun and off-topic. I loved it. And my boss just rocks. I was talking to members of another staff tonight and they LOATHE their boss. They think he sucks sooo bad. Which makes me all the more grateful for being on the Hunt staff, because last year my first choice was the staff with this heinous boss.

See? Things really do work out for the best!

Life is so amazing sometimes. Nobody can ever tell me that things don't work out for the best, because I keep seeing proof everywhere I turn.

I'm so blown away sometimes.

K, I gotta give a little shout-out to dear Christy. I feel bad for this girl. She has a quasi-stalker at the moment. She met this guy today and he's been bombarding her with IM's and hidden notes all night. She's gettin' a little paranoid. It's kinda funny from my point of view, but I know that this really does suck. Poor girl. Love ya hon! Mwah! (PS: read her diary--she mentions me and my little crush in the last paragraph in the entry for January 13th. *sigh* And that one little paragraph actually kinda got me thinking too. Hmmmm.....just read it! *grin*)

So conclusion: interesting day: my brain shuts off around the guy I like, Christy has a semi-stalker, I greatly appreciate my boss and staff and all that good stuff, karma's real, and I have weak ankles (I think).

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera--this is the most inspirational song, my new theme! (Download it!)

Crush du Jour: Jesse Bradford (and duhhh...guess who)

Happy Thought of the Moment: mix cds, easy classes, staff dinners, chicken salad, cute shoes, overage checks, play-acting, the hello kitty penguin (I can't remember his name!), Bring it On, movie night with Davide, cheap textbooks, chilling with Christy, not having a virus (thank GOD!), Hebert J my fishy (still alive!), Chicago soundtrack out today!!!

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