Between Class Ramblings [ January 13, 2003, 12:58 pm ]

Remind me again why I like to schedule classes one right after the other when the individual classes are like 2 hours at a time. Cuz right now, the reason I do this semester after semester completely escapes me.


I'm chilling in the lobby of the TFA right now. Why am I doing this? Cuz for once in his life, Wally decided to not be long-winded and let us go after only a 20-minute class description. So I have nearly an hour to kill before my computer class.

Oh well. It could be worse, so I really shouldn't complain.

I've decided that I'm complain too much. Is this true? I think I do. I complain about the most moronic, un-spectacular and unspecial things. Things I really should not complain about, things that I know I can't change and I really don't care too much about, yet I do it anyway.

I have another resolution now: don't complain. I guess this goes along with the whole don't take anything for granted resolution I made, but it is different. I think I sometimes complain to get attention or have people feel bad for me, when in reality I KNOW that people don't give a fuck about stupid little things that really don't make a difference. I never realized this until my residents started to flood my room with inconsequential complaining. That's when I realized how annoying and un-cool it really is.

Which is why it's going to stop. Unless it seems to be really big. Yeah. Good deal.

So in my Campaigns class, we have 2 clients: the UP 200 Sled Dog Race and the USOEC International Speed-Skating event that's taking place next fall. Both are excellent client. But I consider the USOEC client to be the holy least for me. I really reeeeeally want to be a part of this campaign. It'd be sooo perfect, since I want to work behind-the-scenes of sports and entertainment events. Well, I guess with that logic, both of the clients would work, but I want to work with the speedskaters sooooo friggen bad. I can't even describe how badly I want to be part of it--I want this with every ounce of who I am. Corny as that sounds. I'll stop attempting to describe, cuz I know it could get a lot worse.

So yeah--those are our two clients. Both very cool, both exciting and unique. Do we get to choose which campaign we get to work on.


That kinda ticks me off. I'm sure it's better this way because I think everyone's currently lusting after the USOEC project. Wally's gonna pick the teams and the project that everyone's gonna work on. Fabulous. I'm sure that everything will turn out fine in the end, it'll all work out. I'm actually excited about this class. You know how I was really unsure about it last night? I knew it'd be different once I stepped into the classroom. I'm excited to see who my teammates are and how this is gonna go. This is gonna be FUN!

My boss completely blew me away last night. So we're sitting there chilling with a couple of the RA's, waiting to start Varsity Blues, and Mike was saying something about being an RA, joking around about how I was just an AP. (Screw you for that comment, by the way, Mike, even if you were just joking. I work really hard to connect with all the residents in the hall and I enjoy not being hated for being "Robo-RA.") So I started saying how I would've been an RA if I was dumber and my GPA wasn't a 3.45, but because it was high and because I was willing to be an AP, that's why I got the position. I wasn't really complaining, it was more like a justification for my job, because I heard that people wanted me as an RA, but there was a shortage of AP applicants, and not enough of them had high enough GPAs. I'm stating this little factoid and my boss looks up at me and asks if I would have wanted the RA position that was open for about 20 minutes before we offered it to Adam. Then she starts saying how bad she feels, because it could've worked in my favor and would have been a good idea, if she had actually thought of it.

Honestly, the thought had never even crossed my mind. This whole drama-even thingy happened so fast that when I found out about it, I hit the floor running, trying to think of how to handle it and the best way to do it. I didn't stop for 2 seconds to consider myself. Which is fine. And I reassured my boss that it was fine, too, because I really love my job, and I want to prove to a LOT of people that Hunt is kick ass and that I'm a kick ass AP, and I need this semester to prove that and work on it. Besides--Adam is sooo perfect for this house. And he's so excited. How cool must it be, to come back to school thinking that it's just going to be another boring, uneventful semester, only to have that change within a couple of minutes due to a pretty hefty job offer?

It's all good. If you think I'm bitter, I'm not. It all worked out for the best. It just stunned me when my boss said that. That was the point of that little story.

C'est la vie!

Aight. I have 40 minutes before my class starts and I really don't have anything to do. I'll probably end up surfing the web for the next half an hour. Which is cool.

More later.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: complete silence in the TFA lobby

Crush du Jour: Orlando Bloom

Happy Thought of the moment: job bliss, sleeping, no morning classes, big hugs, seeing 5 gabillion of my friends on the way to class today, cheap textbooks, new notebooks, fast internet connections (I knew this connected University thing would come in handy some day!), cute residents, Lilo and Stitch, cozy sweaters, my coconut flavored coffee, seeing old PR friends, cute boys with a sense of styyle

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