Just Call Me Bridget Jones [ January 15, 2003, 12:18 am ]


Today's been good. Can ya tell?



I am such a weird mood right now. Grease is on the campus movie channel right now. It's at the scene where they're filming American Bandstand with the dance-off. This must be like the new version because there's some risque moves in here that I have never seen before. And the singer is shouting stuff I've never heard before either. Kinda interesting. I still love this movie. I've grown up on Grease. Still one of the best.

I'm so sad! Hannah called me tonight. It's the last time I'll be hearing from her for a looong time. She's off to boot camp in the morning. Scariness......I wish her the best of luck. I'm gonna miss her sooo much, though. It sucks not having her up here. It's just not the same. But I know this is for the best, and that she'll be ok, so it's all good.


I had one class today. I could get used to this no-class-till-3 thang. Hehe. I'm thinking this creative writing class is going to kick some major ass! I'm really excited. The prof seems really cool and all the students seem enthusiastic and excited to be there. I'm so happy that I decided to be a writing minor. Go me for figuring something out!

("Straaaanded at the drive-in, branded a fool--what will they say Monday at schooool?" Hehe)

Christy and I are currently chatting online about the topic of entering the "Just Friends Territory"--which is a bad thing, in my opinion. Cuz I'm a little confused at the moment. I don't know. I guess stuff just remains to be seen. Hmmm....I'll keep you posted.


(This small freak-out has been brought to you in part by a massive crush, stress and nerves. Thank you for your patience in this odd situation.)

I swear I become more like Bridget Jones every day. I'm the American college version of Bridget I think.

Ooohhh--the big car chase climactic scene. Ooohhhh!

I finally got off my duff and bought my books today. I'm so proud of me. I was really happy too. All of them only cost me $160!!! That was fabulous. All my friends are complaining about how they've spend AT LEAST $300 if not more (one friend's spend over $600 and isn't even done yet) on books. It's so rediculous how much money students have to pay for crappy textbooks. You use them for a whole of 4 months and then get shit in return for them. Like we don't spend enough money for tuition and room and board and meal plans--but we have to spend hundreds more on stupid books. Gaah. Does anybody else feel this way? Grr.

Whatever. K, here's my commentary on the end of Grease. (Oh don't act like you didn't know that this was coming.) So I'm all about the self-growth and everything like that. But I really don't understand WHY Sandy decided to change for uber-innocent girly girl to uber-slutty skanky girl. JUST for a guy, too. It's not even like she did it for herself--we all KNOW she did it to get the guy, who obviously loves her just as she was--innocent and sweet. I think this movie sends a bad message to vulnerable girls: it doesn't matter how nice you are--if you don't act and dress like a skank you'll never get the guy. THAT is wrong. Don't get me wrong--I love this movie, it's fabulous. I just have never liked the ending, I've never bought into it, that you have to change who are and not be true to yourself, JUST to find a guy. Hmm

Aight, I'll get off the soapbox now. Don't hate me for ripping up one of the most beloved musicals in America.

Tell me about it, stud

I should go to sleep. I've been really tired lately. Probably because my body finally realizes that it needs more sleep than I've been giving it. Hehe. My bad.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "You're the One that I Want" (How can she walk in those heels???)

Crush du Jour: Jimmy Fallon, Ewan McGregor

Happy Thought of the Moment: no night classes, fun writing class, seeing old friends, realizing JUST how many people you know on campus, Dominos pizza, chilling with Em, Chicago soundtrack (sooo fabulous!), musicals, Lilo and Stitch, seeing and hanging out with Megan, being lazy, no class till 3 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, getting mail, my warm winter jacket, wooly mittens

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