JOHN MAYER KICKS ASS!!! [ May 24, 2002, 10:45 pm ]

My 3rd (or is it 4th?) entry today. I do have way too much time on my hands. That's what happens when you live in a small town that offers a college grrl nada to do! :p

Rave of the night: I LOVE JOHN MAYER!!! "Room for Squares" is the best cd I've gotten this year...and I've bought a LOT of cds--believe me. I owe BMG quite a bit of money right now. (Shh--don't let my mom know that--she'd blow a fuse and then I'd have to get crabby and that would just suck.) I'm quite addicted to the cd. His voice is so soothing. And his lyrics amaze me. They flow and blend and capture emotion so gracefully and effortlessly. (Cripe--I sound like a critic. Sorry, I am in a cheesy expressive type of mood.)

Yeah, so that's all for right now. Go and buy his cd. It's a great investment, I promise you.

Ciao, dahling!


PS: Yeah, so one more thing. I think that guys are quite inconsiderate at the moment. Like they can't even message you to say hi when you IM them. Right. Like it takes so much effort. RUDE RUDE RUDE. Kind of pissy towards anything with a Y chromosome right now...unless it has to do with Ewan, Jimmy Fallon, JC, John Mayer, or Mark McGrath. *grin*

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