Randomness Ensues Tonight... [ May 24, 2002, 7:27 pm ]

Soooo...I was rereading that last entry. So it's not exactly right, but whatever. A lot of the stuff is pretty accurate. At least most of the quizzes I take are accurate (right, EM!!). Lol

Which rugrat are you?

*grin* These two just crack me up! They're the shiznit, my faves on Rugrats.

OOoohhhh!! Mickey that fabulous 80s song JUST came on the radio. DANCE BREAK!! Eeeeeee! :D

Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.

Gotta love 80s cartoons!

you are energetic, hyper, loud, feisty, sweet, flirtatious, and cute!

Take the web's most accurate personality test now!

Which SNL Loser are *YOU*?

LOL....I really don't know how to respond to this. I think she was hilarious! :p Nobody on SNL is a loser in my opinion. It's the greatest show ever!!!

Which BSB Are You!?!

So I don't really care, but quizzes are fun! Besides, BSB not THAT bad.....

You're Snickers!
You're a classic. You're popular. What else could you ask for? Maybe a taste in music, but that's up to you.

I have a great taste in music thankyouverymuch!

Aight, I gotta go and dry my hair. Then I get to make a cameo at a graduation party. Mom's making me. Ugh. Not that I really mind, it just seems really wierd since I graduated 2 years ago. Plus then I get all misty-eyed and reminiscent. Which is not a bad thing, but really, I do it all too often. I nearly bawled the other night looking through my senior yearbook. High school was fun...but not like college fun. Fun in the way where you don't know any better and you're naive even though you don't think you are naive (does that make any sense to you? It does to me at least--I'm just kind of thinking out loud...).

Ciao, dahling!

~*Krissy *~

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