All...That...Jaaaazz...Sorta [ June 01, 2003, 11:23 pm ]

Oh happiness. I'm FINALLY able to write a goddamned entry. Grr. Beginning to really unlike Diaryland. This does not impress me.

Oh well. I'm not gonna waste any more energy pissing about this.

It's my 400th entry! Wooot! Happy....happy what to me? It's not the diary's bday, not an anniversary...what could this be? Hmm. But it's 400 entries. That's pretty cool. At least I think so.

Mmm...cold water is good. Especially when one is as parched as I am. I have decided that I need to haul ass on my summer goals so I've jolted the whole caffeine-addiction-kicking plan into high gear. I'm not buying any more 12 packs or 2-liters of pop anymore. No more pop in my apartment. I can drink it every once in a while at work (yay for icy cold Pepsi dispensers on the 4th floor!) or when I'm eating out, but that's it. I drink entirely too much pop. That'll come to a halt REAL quick.

Wish me luck with this endeavor--anyone who knows me knows how much I love pop. Gaah.

This weekend has been absolutely fabulous. Ok so it didn't start off so great--I lost my apartment keys after lunch on Friday. Not impressive. It had my license and debit card with them, so I was in a panic to find them. I called Joe nearly in tears and he frantically tried to call me down. I ended up cancelling my debit card. Yeah--do you know how LOST I am without the use of it. And i had the ditziest lady helping me on the Wells-Fargo hotline. She forgot her name. SHE FORGOT HER NAME. She talked like she had howling winds sweeping through her mind. She wasn't the brightest being I've ever conversed with. Gaah.

But yeah--keys LOST. Couldn't find ANYWHERE. Paniced. Then decided to say "fuck it--destiny will kick in and lemme find them eventually." So I got over it quickly. The people in my office were slightly amused. Eh.

I've since found the keys. We won't go into where they were. GAAH.

Owww. My nose hurts. I have this pimple thingy by my nose-stud. It looks nasty. Therefore my mentality is to pick it. Which in turn makes it worse. It's a vicious cycle. Lemme just say that sea salt and hot washcloth compresses are a godsend. It's clearing up nicely...I think.

Anyway...yes yes--weekend. GOOOOD. Dinner at UpFront with Joe and Randi and Kate. Hurrah! Would've been better if Joe hadn't gotten knicked by some Yooper truck. He was shaken slightly. They were all fine. Just shaken a bit. Poor them. But yes--dinner gooood. UpFront has yummy pizza. Mmm. I highly recommend it. Yum.

AND I got to see Finding Nemo Friday night. It was sooo cuuuute! I have decided that Dorie is the fishy version of me. "I shall call him Squishy and his name will be Squishy and he shall be mine!" Hehe. I wanna see it again!

Saturday seemed like it was going to be sooo boring. Megan and I spent an hour bitching about how bored we were before the light went off in our heads and we were like "duh--let's do something." We headed to HotPlate (out new happy Mecca) to paint. Joe later joined us--the painting virgin. It was fabulous. Megan kicks ass at painting fish--is there anything this girl can't do? Gah. And Joe did really good for his first time--the ladies at the table next to him were charmed with his rainbow (hehe) motif. I painted a massive mug and saucer. I like it. I can't wait to see what it looks like.

Then we went to dinner. Yay Hudsons!! It really sucks not being 21. Megan and Joe ordered drinks. Then I was like "can I have a virgin daiquairi?" They nearly fell off their stools they were laughing so hard. Haha--Less than 2 months till I'm legal guys. So HAHA to you! :p

Joe dragged us to the Negaunee production of Chicago. I had no desire to see it cuz I knew it was going to be mediocre at best and I adore the movie. If I'm seeing the musical, I'm seeing it in a good production--preferrable Broadway (hey I can dream!). He convinced me to go because he paid for my ticket. It wasn't too too bad, being that it was a UP production. Girl who played Roxie--annoying as all fuck. I won't even BEGIN to critique her. And the choreography was directly stolen from the movie. That was amusing. But good GOD--the actor that plays Billy Flynn--OHMYGOD. Stunning. Gorgeous. He can SING. And he's pretty. Mmmm. He made me happy. Hehe

That wasn't even the end of the night. Joe and I met some of his friends at a karaoke bar in Ishpeming. Soo fun. Would've been a lot more fun if the damned Yooper-Cowboy-DJ would've actually done our requests. All I wanted to sing was Baby Got Back with a couple of gay guys. (THAT is real fun!) But noooo. He let this same group of drunken women up there like a dozen times and I got up there once at the very beginning, belting out Love Shack with 4 other people. Not cool, not impressive. (His favoritism, not my musical abilities--hehe.) All that people were singing was mullet rock and country. Why why WHY am I cursed to live in the UP?!? was just a lazy day. I've done nearly nothign all day. I did buy groceries. That was fun. I can eat! Hurrah! And I took a bubble bath tonight. Mmmm.

I'm pretty relaxed right now. And I should go to sleep. I gotta wake up for work earrrly. Boo.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: commercials on Disney (watchin' Kim Possible)

Crush du Jour: the hottie who played Billy Flynn! Mmmmm....

Happy Thought of the Moment: time with Joe, daquiaris (albeit virgin), framable pix, purple piggy bank, movie star glasses, Real World marathon, sarongs, lemonade, pizza late, vibratey phone, Spice Girls, naked mole rat (Kim Possible), perfect weather, full tank of gas, pay day Thursday, Nemo, fun trailers, karaoke, M&M's, Enchanted mix, bubble baths, my glasses, funky jeans, hoopy earrings, I'm scandalized, candles, flower from Katy, talking to mommy, Togo's hottie, cold water, new jeans, bookstore trips, new Sugar Ray out on Tuesday, Empire on DVD with bonus features!!!

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