I figured it out!!! (This feeling that is....) [ October 10, 2002, 6:14 pm ]

~*Describing this Indescribable Feeling*~

I�m riding a tide

of effervescent ecstasy

I am enchanted with

this new-found glory

I�m on an unalterable high

pondering the length of this

radiating euphoria

Until it fades

I�m on a high

On this high

An IfeelgreatIamunstoppablelifeisgrandcan�tstopsmiling high

Yeah...that's my latest poem...and the first one I've ever posted I think. I'm quite proud of it really. It describes how I've been feeling these past couple of weeks.

I'll come back later--no worries!

Ciao for now!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Starry-Eyed Surprise

Crush du Jour: JOHN MAYER

Happy Thought of the Moment:dinner with friends, making new friends, good poems, Maya Angelou, Strawberry Crush, naps, mix cds, Friends on tonight, SNL's new season, french toast stix, inspiring people, Jimmy Fallon, having clean dishes and a clean bathroom, having lots of energy, All American Girl--READ THIS BOOK

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