Ariel, gay men, and Intellectual types--such is my life [ October 11, 2002, 12:40 am ]

Lalalaaaa. Yet another fabby day in my life. Hehehe

My status as a fag has has been confirmed. Not that I didn't proudly wave that flag before. *grin* My "boyfriend" Mark and his real boyfriend came over to visit me tonight. That was quite fabulous. Unexpected, but really pleasant. (Oh god--I sound British. Ahh) I ended up getting groped. Plus my fingers got sucked cuz apparently I'm quite "supple." Niiiiiiiiice.

YOu don't see me complaining do you? Nooooo of course not. It was just kind of funny cuz it looked like they were gonna get it on on my bed. Makes me kinda jealous. I want to feel that kind of passion or lust or whatever it was--to just want somebody that badly where you feel you have to have there right then and there. How great it must feel to just know that somebody feels that way about YOU. Wow.

(Yeah....feelin' the effects of being boyfriend-less over here at the moment. It's all good. Breeeeeeeeathe. K, better now. *grin*)

Hehehe--it was sooo cute. Hannah and I ran to WalMart to get a gift for Joy's wedding. Yeah, we're slightly procrastinating, seeing that the wedding's tomorrow and all. But still! Anyways...we were checking out the makeup section and this mom came wheeling by with 2 little girls. One of them looked at me and her eyes got all wide and she took a deep breath. "Your hair looks like Ariel's! I like it." It was the most adorable thing ever. The other little girl piped up: "woooow--I like it too!"

It made my night. It was just too too precious.

Cute little girls like that make me want to become a mom. Hehehe...but we've already HAD this discussion. I shall remain childless. At least at this point in my life I think I will. Who knows--perhaps if I meet Prince Charming there'll be little royal highnesses running around. You just never can tell, y'know?

Oh--it was Red Shirt Day today. It's where anybody who supports the GLBTQ community wears a red shirt to show their support. I was happy to see a lot of my friends sportin' red shirt. But it also amazes me just how closed-minded a lot of people can be. It's kind of disgusting. They think that if they wear a red shirt, everybody will think that THEY'RE gay or bi or whatever. They just think that their image will be tarnished. When really they shouldn't give a fuck about what other people think as long as said person is happy. Just do your own thing. Otherwise, you're gonna end up lost in the long run and you really won't know who you are. Anyways...I am way off topic. Yeah, so a lot of people are afraid to wear red shirts cuz they think that they'll be tagged as "gay." I guess I can relate because I was that way before. But now I'm proud to be a supporter of the gay community. Some of my greatest friends are gay. They are some of the strongest people that I know and also some of the most amazing people that I know. There's NO shame in that.

To me, sexuality doesn't define a person. It's just another aspect, another part of who you are. Another added dimension to your persona. And maybe I'm off-base here because I'm not a homosexual, but I don't think it should consume you. Sex shouldn't consume you. Does that make sense? Does that even relate to what I'm talking about? Probably not. Anyways...who you are sexually shouldn't define your entire persona. That's all I'm getting at really. It's just another part of your identity. And for the gay community I realize it's a HUGE part of their identity because of all the shit they go through. I'm just proud to say that I support them and that I'll help them out in any way that I can. (This is something I'm really passionate about. I am such an advocate for the gay community. I could seriously make a career out of this if I wanted to.)

Now to totally switch gears--just cuz that's how my mind works--by jumping around. I'm so weird. I figured out something the other day. I figured out another type of guy that I like. That I'm really attracted to. So we all know that I like the dark-featured funny guys (ie: Jimmy Fallon, Alan Cumming) and the sensitive guys (ie: John Mayer) and the actor hotties (ie: Ewan McGregor, Ben Affleck, Ben Stiller, I could go on...)

Add another type to my list: intellectual guys. Mmmmm. This could very well be the best type. Cuz I actually know quite a few intellectual type of guys. I think part of the appeal is that they're broody and mysterious and I really really like that about guys--I wonder what they're thinking and I'm wondering if I could break that barrier that they inevitably set up against most people. (And me being the perky-optimistic type thinks I can...usually I'm right to some degree.) Another aspect is that they are all sooo intelligent and smart-like, hence the title of intellectual guys (durrrrh--me blonde). They make me want to get all deep and have all-night conversations and think really deep thoughts and think about the world and ponder life and existance. Something about that really gets me.

And there's this one in particular (who I've nicknamed "Intellectual Guy") who's just gorgeous. And I'm kind of friends with him and I've had this little crush on him since the beginning of last year. Mmm...he's just gorgeous. I just want to jump him sometimes. Seriously. Wow. I don't even know what to say about him. I act so dorky around him, which I'm sure does NOT thrill him, but I can't help it. It's like that middle school crush with the butterflies and you want to act all cool and you just end up acting even more dorky than usual. Yah...that's completely it. It's kinda sad. I'm just in love (on a totally innocent level--not the stalker-psycho-scary level...just to clarify). That's all there is to it. Mmmm...No words to describe it.

I need to jump in bed. I'm incredibly tired at the moment and I need to wake up kinda early to go and get a new tire for my car. Oh the joy. I still haven't figured out how the damn thing got flat in the first place. Grr-ness. Oh well--it'll be fix tomorrow! Yay yay yay!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Girlfriend Remix" by NSync and Nelly--one of my absolute favorites, bar none. (I could think of a few guys who I'd like to sing this to me...)

Crush du Jour:Intellectual guy

Happy Thought of the Moment:WalMart runs with friends, cute little kids, coconut flavored coffee, caffeine fixes, getting away with skipping class, looking cute, my adorable boots, figuring out how to beat the system (I'm such a renegade), having fun visitors, fresh flowers, good novels, Taco Bell tacos, comfy slippers, sleeeeeeeep, naps, Friends, having an extremely clean room--and bathroom too!

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