"The girl with the pretty red hair...or is it fuschia?" [ October 10, 2002, 12:12 am ]

Blaaaah. It's been an exhausting day. For sure. I don't know why for sure now that I think of it...it just has been. Poetry class--yeah....then Leadership class, then a meeting with boss-lady, then got my donut tire changed so I can replace it when I FINALLY get a free hour or so (riiiight), no nap, visiting, NAE, study buck rounds, homework. Yeah--it's been a leetle busy. Yup yup.

Vent for the evening: this has more to do with Emily then me, but still...so Em told me that last night some asshole went into her car and stole all of her mix tapes that she had. That happened to have been made by ME. That I put a lot of time, thought, effort and love into making. I'm kinda pissed. And also wondering WHY some idiot would want these tapes. THey have names like "KiKi's Mixed Tape of Fun and Stuff" or "Krissy's Silly Mix for Em." Why why WHY would somebody want to steal these? And that's all they took too. Mix tapes. Let's take a minute to digest this whole thing. There's a car--an older, semi-beaten up car. You decide to go and see if there's anything of value in it for some lame reason. All that's there is these tapes. And you TAKE them? What the fuck? It's not like this person is going to even derive joy from them because they're just full of inside jokes between Em and I. Really. They're just fun, retarded tapes made for laughs. I don't get it. Em's theory is that somebody was drunk when they did it. I can agree with that. Drunk or stoned or something. Cuz I can't fathom being sober and doing this. Yeah....

Maya Angelou came here last night. That was quite fabulous. Her speech was really really good. Quite inspiring. I wish it had been longer--she only spoke for an hour. She was so cute, charming and eloquent that I could've listened for another couple of hours. And this coming from a girl with world's shortest attention span--that is a HUGE compliment. She was so cute. NAE went into her dressing room for a photo op and she began arranging us. It was adorable. I have a new nickname (or moniker or whatever). I'll be known as "the girl with the pretty red hair....or is it fuschia?" That's what she said. Hehehe--I'm beyond thrilled. (I'm SUCH a dork.)

OH--I've been meaning to tell y'all about this for a loooooong time. And those of you who read this last spring will really appreciate this. My friends should too, but most of them already know this.

Guess who joined NAE........Are ya ready? SEX GOD. Yup yup. He joined last week. I nearly died when he walked into the meeting. It is just too too funny. And quite ironic, too, no? Hehehe

And it's not even like I like him anymore because I don't. Not at all. I figured out how cocky he is and that just really takes away from his hot-ness. And he is still fiiiiiine. Oh well. It's kinda funny: I still can't talk to him. We're playing this dumb little game where I look at him and he looks at me and we stare for a little while then look away then stare again. But we won't talk to each other. It's just funny. I appreciate the humor in the situation.

(I'm listening to "Shoop" right now. This song cracks me up. It's so great. It's me and my girls to a T.)

Oh, so I thinky that I may have an admirer. Lalala. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Cuz I'm not. Lalala. I don't really wanna say too much cuz with my luck it's probably nothing. But somebody's been getting kinda touchy-feely-I-wanna-sit-next-to-you-and-talk-to-you-a-lot-lately. And somebody got a little....ummmmm....excited (let's just say) when we were playing around earlier today. Yeah.....

Not that I'm not flattered or anything. Lalalaaaa

Life is good. I'm still totally riding on this high. Things are so great. *gringringrin*

Plus good news in paradise: the "incident" I sorta cryptically mentioned a couple of entries ago that I was really worried about--yeah, it's all good now. Nobody's going nowhere. Lala--staff is fabby as is and it's gonna STAY that way. I have a permanent grin on my face because of that.

Life is great.

Aww--everybody is LEAVING me this weekend. I'm so sad. At least half of the people I know are going home for the weekend. They're all pumped and I'm pumped for them, but I'm gonna be so BORED this weekend. I was gonna go to Ann Arbor (*sigh*--I ADORE that city) with Christy, but can't cuz of a wedding. Not that I'm complaining or anything. On the bright side I am going to get to see that beautiful wedding, plus I get to see a free concert on Saturday night with a good friend, so I'm quite psyched for that. Yay yay yay. Perhaps this weekend I'll actually get stuff accomplished this weekend since there won't be many people around to distract me. To all those going home--I love you very much (especially you, Miss Em!), have a safe trip, and call me when ya get back. Mwah! Think of bored me when you're chilling with the friends and homies! Hehe

K, I should go to sleep. Blah.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To:"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" by Good Charlotte--I'm so in love with this song. It's on constant repeat. I need to dl more of their stuff....

Crush du Jour:Tobey Maguire

Happy Thought of the Moment: my MBTI results (more about that next entry), intellectual guys, Maya Angelou's works, scented candles, free t-shirts, Harry Potter Uno cards, silky lotion, good hair days, shout-outs, friends, short meetings, steamers, Nashville 2003 (BRETT!!!), being hyper, secret admirers, sweet guys, writing not-so-sucky poetry, "Skater Boi", figuring out PR homework (but not without a headache or 3), not being broke, my wall of happiness (which will rise this weekend), artsy photos, hugs, massages, free concerts, visitors, my fabulous residents, my superb staff, chicken strip night, Stitch, Beauty and the Beast, cold cereal, free food

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