It Just Keeps Gettin' Better!!! [ January 13, 2003, 12:35 am ]





You guys, it's been an interesting weekend. REALLY interesting. Yeah....

You can say that. I'm saying that.

I'm being totally weird. Sorry. A lot has occurred lately, so I have a lot swimming around in my mind at the present moment.

It's all good. I have no complaints though. This has to have been one of the best weekends of the year, honestly. All my friends made it back here safely, I've gotten to see a TON of my friends and hang out with them, I got my overage check, life is good.

The biggest news? We now have another new RA. Yup yup. I can't really say too much (once again with the cryptic stuff--sorry guys!), but I know the new RA Adam is really pumped. And I'm really psyched and excited for him. I think he's perfect for the position and for our odd-yet-lovable staff. I'm going to miss Afton, she was great, and I wish that she didn't have to go, but I understand, and it's for the best. Girl, I love you and I'll miss you!!!!

K, I just need to say how much I love the new Sum 41 video and how it rips on the shitty new "cutting edge" bands like The Vines and The Hives. That video totally kicks ass. Yaaay!

Ugh, classes start tomorrow. This sucks. I know I know--I was totally excited to come back to campus...but I really reeeeaaaally am not all about going back to class. Even if they are new classes. Gaaah! I've already gotten emails from my CIS computer prof. Grr. I don't want to go to class. My PR class scares me cuz I was looking at the damned textbook. This book makes PR sound like a science with formulas and shit. It's baaad. I didn't sign up for that, I signed up to communicate, to help people, to be out there, NOT to follow a formula for the "perfect campaign." Ugh. And CIS 110 (Computer Info Systems)--yeah, I'm just afraid that I'm too stupid for this class, even though it is an intro class. Hopefully I'm totally off about these classes. Who knows though....

The bottom line is that I really don't wanna go to these classes tomorrow. Uuuugh. At least I don't have class until noon. Yay! I got such a good schedule. Lala

HA! I'm kinda on Cloud 9 right now. Christy knows why. ;) I'm just happy that I didn't know that the MarketPlace was open. Cuz it was quite interesting. I had interesting lunch company. A certain "god" graced me and my friends with his company. Lala *happy dance* Yeah.....(ask me about it if you're really THAT confused. Or read Christy's diary. Maybe she'll mention something.)

Aight, I must hit the sack. I'm really tired. I've been waking up early lately. It really sucks. Oh well. Maybe this means that I'm maturing and that I can handle mornings. YEAH RIGHT! *grin*

Ciao, dahling!


PS: Good luck to all my friends with their classes. Whee! Who knows--Winter semester last year rocked. I have a feeling it'll be JUST as chaotic this year. It just remains to be seen! Hehe

Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: some Queens of the Stone-Age video (Dude! I didn't know Dave Grohl was in this band. This guy's like some kind of quasi-superman or something--he's everywhere!)

Crush du Jour: SG, Jimmy Fallon, Ben Affleck, Ewan McGregor

Happy Thought of the Moment: the sweetest voicemail from Joe (he wished me luck in my classes--I love that man), happy staff, staff bonding, Varsity Blues, Stitch, coloring, Target trips with Christy, Den events, cute shoes, Tootsie Rolls, lotsa caffeine, "surprise" impromptu parties (for Adam!), compliments from my fabulous friends, being speedy during fire drills, yummy smelling candles, cute nail polish colours, online quizzes, great big hugs, warm fuzzy happy feelings (like the one I've been having all weekend long)

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