See Krissy SMACK [ January 12, 2003, 12:59 am ]

It seems like forever since I've last written. K, so it has been at least 3 days. I think I'm going through withdrawal. I hate it when I'm too busy to even update in here. Grr. Oh well--stuff's been gettin' done and should be calming down a bit now, so it's all good. At least I get to write right now! *grin*

Freshman orientation is DONE. Yay! It's not so bad once you get through small groups--where you have to instruct people how to schedule and tell them about a shitload of info. It's highly boring and can get really frustrating. I hate small groups just because I don't know how to explain how to schedule. This is exactly why I'm NOT being a teacher. I just assume that everyone knows how to do it--it ain't exactly rocket science. Gaah! But it's done. It was easy, painless, I earned some money. I can't really complain.

I've discovered the two most wonderful words in the English language (besides "snow day"): OVERAGE CHECK. Mmmmm Ponder this superbly fabulous thought for a couple of seconds. Extra money. Mooooola. Cash. Can you tell that I got one? It was like Christmas all over again for me yesterday. I was bouncing off the walls when I got my check. I was soooo excited. And it was more than I thought it was gonna be, too, so that thrilled me even more. Ladies and gentlemen, Krissy is no longer broke, thankyouverymuch!


Yesterday was just a fabulous day all around. Mmm. NOTHING bad happened all day, I couldn't stop smiling. I got a voicemail from Clayton, a friend from last semester who just graduated from NMU. He made it to Cali, and just called to say hi. It was a really sweet voicemail. Hopefully I'll hear from him soon.

And I got to hang out with Christy and Amanda and some other friends last night. We went and saw Just Married. That movie was a lot funnier and sweeter than I thought it was gonna be. I really liked it. I was watching it thinking "oh god--this is gonna be my marriage." I have sooo much in common with Sarah: we're both overly hyper and happy, and quite accident prone. It was quite entertaining. The whole quickie-in-a-bathroom scene? Yeah, I can see that happening to me during my honeymoon. I can see all of the fiascos happening to me during my honeymoon. Greeeat.

So when I got back from the movie last night, I was hanging out with my boss in her apartment and 2 residents from down the hall gallopped in holding a video camera. The little film-makers have decided to make a Jack-Ass type of film. How original. I don't know how much I approved of this endeavor, or if it was even legal, from a staff member's viewpoint. These little thoughts lasted about 2 seconds before they asked me if I wanted to hit them.


I mean, come on--how often are you asked to totally just smack a couple of guys upside the head and NOT get in trouble for it?

There was NO way I was gonna miss an opportunity like that! Hehe

The camera starts rolling, and I scream curse words (mother-fucker!!!)at guy #1 and wallop him across the cheek.

He was stunned. "Whoooa--I didn't think you were going to hit me THAT hard!"

Guy #2 steps up. He was all excited for me to smack him. (I swear these two are massochists. But it's quite entertaining.) I hurl an insult at him, wind up and wallop him even harder than I did the first time......

I have never heard a sound like when my hand smacked the side of his head and ear. I seriously thought that I was going to make his ear bleed.

And his head! It just jerked back so quickly. I was a mixture of horrified, amused, entertained, and proud of myself at the same time.

Both guys' heads hurt for a good quarter of an hour. Hehe Go me!

That little act completely made my night. It was sooo fun! Total highlight of my weekend. I am such a sadistic person. Hehehe

Em made it back here today. Yay! I'm thinking I was going through Em-withdrawals, even though we hung out a lot over break. We are such dorks. We went to a movie (Just Married again!) and Border Grill today though, so that was cool.

Come to think of it--today's been kinda boring. I hung out with people and all, but nothing stellar has really happened. I've gotten some of my bulletin boards done. Yay me!!!

Oh God--I have to add this little amusement. I was at Wal-Mart earlier and I was looking at their Valentines section. First off--why the hell aren't there Lilo and Stich valentines? It totally pisses me off, cuz that's the only kind I really wanna give out. Oh well. Secondly--you HAVE to see some of the kinds of Valentines they have out now. They are too hilarious. The Spiderman valentines don't look like Spidey, they look like some freaky alien-clone thingy in a SpiderMan costume. And they have puppy and kitten valentines complete with temporary tattoos. But the kicker? (Brace yourself)

I LOVE MUD Valentines. And I'm NOT even joking. I couldn't joke about this, it's too funny and weird to make something like this up. These are the FUNNIEST things that I've ever seen, I swear to God. They have pictures of 4-wheelers and trucks and semis and stuff. Total guy/little tough boy Valentines. The really funny part though is that they don't have ANY words on them AT ALL. They have room for a name and that is it. They're the perfect valentines for little boys. I can forsee all the little girls in elementary school getting like a dozen of these Mud cards because every boy has them.

That was the kicker for my evening.


Aight, I must go to sleep. For some reason I woke up before 10 AM today. What's up with that? Hmm

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Same Old Song" by Sev (It's that cool Linkin Park-sounding song from the Pepsi Blue commercial. Katy and I are in love with this song.)

Crush du Jour: Ben Affleck (saw a preview for "DareDevil"--Oh Gaaawd, I cannot wait to see that on Valentine's Day), Ashton Kutcher, SG

Happy Thought of the Moment: this Sev song, Ben Affleck, Just Married, quality time with friends, people making it back here safely, cold cereal as a midnight snack, my new flannel sheets, inspiration, cute bulletin board ideas, door decs, smacking boys (HEHEHE), the new mix I made tonight, JC's song, cute jeans, Chicago out soon, Chicago soundtrack out on Tuesday, overage checks, Chinese food, chopsticks, unexpected IM's from old friends, my Maya book, non-virus computer, figuring out my stupid laptop problem today, sleeping in, Emperor's New Groove

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