Something Funny in Poetry Class..... [ October 16, 2002, 5:08 pm ]

Tasty treat of the day: wonderful poetry class got out a whole hour early.

And none of us can figure out why.

Not that I'm complaining or anything.

It was just sooo funny. Here the prof was telling us the difference between accented and unaccented syllables and she looks up at the clock and goes "oh, but we're out of time for this class. Have a great weekend. We'll talk more about this on Monday." It was only 1:40. NOT 2:40.

But were any of us going to stop her? Nooo. We all looked at each other, willed each other to keep quiet then looked down to stop smiling. It was great. And she was like the first one out the door too, so it's not like she could've even caught her mistake.

Life is great.

Ya gotta love little treats like that in life.

I just hope karma doesnt sneak up and bite us all in the ass for not speaking up.

Naaaah--we've had to put up with her going on about the wonders of sex enough--this was the payoff, the reward.

That's all for now. I'll be back later.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Let's Get Loud" by J.Lo

Crush du Jour:Justin Timberlake--have you seen the pix in seventeen magazine? Gaw-geous, dahling! Mwah

Happy Thought of the Moment:karmic payoffs, road trip mixes, dancing, chicken salad, beautiful fall days, my black sweater, goofing off in the MarketPlace, gettin' out of class waaaaaaay early, Harry Potter, jawbreakers, naps, it being the weekend for me, road trips, 2 days till Traverse City, birthdays (though not my own), Borders bookstore, chilling out, fun "Mystify" nail polish

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