Funny Business [ September 03, 2004, 7:27 pm ]

Note: this was written as I was lounging this morning at about 11ish. Just so you know.

I have decided that I am insanely attracted to guys who can make me laugh. I'm watching School of Rock right now and although Jack Black is the sexiest guy around, he is one of the funniest mother-fuckers; therefore I'd propose marriage to him if I ever saw him on a street.

I think this goes for almost every guy I've ever had a crush on: Paul, my crush from 4th to 6th grades caught my attention because he did stand-up when the teacher left the room on my first day at Chassell. Mikey, my intense early high school crush was adorably funny, therefore I fell hard. Gus was a dork; dorks make me laugh. The artist formerly known as Sex God--he was funny when I saw him onstage, which is how my rampant-run crush for him began.

The point of this? yay for funny guys.

I have four full days off. Four days to do No. Thing. I call this heaven.

Things I absolutely need to do this weekend?

- post posters for Second City (next weekend, FYI--y'all better be there)--should take like an hour at most

- go to the Programming Summit meeting--another hour

- march with Democrats on Labor Day to get some hours in for my Practicum class--that'll take about like 3 hours at most

So 5 hours at the most this weekend. The rest is MINE. Granted, I will clean and decorate my room. (For real. shut up.) and I should cook something. And I MUST find cute shoes for everyday wear.

I *heart* weekends.

Ciao, dahling!


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