Flaxseed Whaaat? [ September 23, 2004, 1:01 pm ]

Yesterday I started taking vitamins. I'm officially an 86-year-old. Hand me my walker, dammit.

But they're not just any vitamins. They're Flaxseed Oil Caplets! Woooo!

Yeah, I'm not too sure what they are either.

According to WholehealthMD, Flaxseed Oil is a healing herb/fatty acid/fiber that clears up acne, stops menopause (note to self: remember that when I'm having hotflashes--IN 30 YEARS), counters lupus and stops impotence and male infertility. All of these benefits are good, but I'm not a pimple-laden, infertile male with lupus and/or menopause. I think I'd be worried if I was.

According to my crazy mother, Flaxseed Oil is natural metabolism stimulant that helps burn fat "really really REALLYYY fast." According to her. And Auntie Helen, who said there was a big article on it in some "big important health journal."

According to me and my roommate, Flaxseed Oil comes in the form of poopy-looking, horsepill-sized capsules. And they smell REALLY bad.

But we're taking them. Because we're massochists. And because if there's anyway we could lose a few pounds by doing nothing (besides swallowing some vitamins), then dammit, we're doing it.

I told my mother that if I die by way of choking on a pill or by having an allergic reaction, she'll have to live with the guilt for the rest of her life.

I would like to tack a PS onto the whole Democrats suck speil I gave the other night. Yes, they aren't that organized and they're definitely trying to dictate to the students how exactly we should use our hours (which a lot of students think sucks). But last night--woohoo! There was a Vote for Change concert at the Upfront. This translated into free beer and drinks for the volunteers. I knew there was a reason that I wanted to do this. Besides, you know, wanting to feel like I'm helping to make a change and all that other warm-fuzzy shiznit. I have a renewed interest in the Democratic party because of the yummy tubey shots and fantastic people I talked to last night. Hells yeah.

God bless the election. And Democrats.

Ciao, dahling!

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