Flashin' Back [ November 21, 2004, 2:03 am ]

So I'm sittin' there, tonight, totally involved in the third season of Sex and the City, indulging in ice cream (I know I know--not supposed to with a sinus infection, but please--sometimes you gotta say "fuck it") when my cell phone rang. It was my friend from high school--Heather. I hadn't talked to her in seriously at least a year.

It's kind of funny. I had just been telling one of my friends that I've severed ties with nearly all of my high school friends...with the exception of Emily. Then two days later--bam! I get a call out of the blue from one of my closest high school friends. Kind of crazy.

She was in town and she wanted to catch up. Me, wanting to seize the moment (I've been trying to do that more lately--all signs point to me doing that), jumped. I told her I looked like crap--I did. Seriously: there was no gunk in my hair, my face hadn't seen foundation in two days and I was in one of my oldest AE shirts. But I digress.

I was slightly apprehensive when she called because I thought it'd be awkward. But as I pulled up to the hotel, I got excited. I thought "this could be fun."

It was. We sat there for nearly three hours and reminisced about high school and our random college experiences. It felt good. It felt warm and fuzzy. It felt...Hallmarky.

And I loved it.

I guess I didn't realize that I had missed her until she called. Damn. I'm glad she did.

We realized that this May it'll be our five year graduation anniversary. Gaah. That makes me feel old. Five years! There may be a Chassell Class of 2000 reunion in the works. Consider yourself amply warned.

Shit. My eyes are watering. The fucking sinus infection has gone to the eyes. I may or may not have pink eye. If I do though, it's not a big freakin' deal. People who think it is should be sent back to elementary school where pink eye was big drama. Because it ain't with me. And to ensure that, I bought eye drops. They may not help that much, but they should shut people the fuck up. Y'all better appreciate. That is all.

Ciao, dahling!


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