All about the BJ...Bridget Jones, you sickos [ November 20, 2004, 2:21 am ]

I just mixed really strong (like 500 mg) aspirin and NyQuil. Let's see how long it takes me to either pass out or say something really dumb...

I haven't updated in a couple of days. I really have no reason why. Except that I've been sick. But that's never stopped me before. I guess I've just had nothing to say. There's a first.

I wanna see Spanglish. I saw two trailers for it today alone and now a commercial just came on vh1. I adore Adam Sandler, especially in dramatic roles. He completely blew me away in Punch Drunk Love. I have big hopes for this new movie, too. It looks really good, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Speaking of movies, I saw Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason tonight. LOVED it, loved it. Fabulous. It's as good as the first, if not a bit better. If anything, this movie solidified that I am indeed the American Bridget Jones.

The entire movie, I kept trying to recall how the book went. This one strayed from the book more than the first. I wished somehow they could have incorporated the interview scene into the movie--they could have just put a different star in for her to interview. The Rebecca angle was totally different in the movie, too. She was a total bitch in the book and I came into the movie already hating the character. The end pertaining to her definitely threw me for a second. Overall, though, I loved it. I haven't laughed that hard in a loooong time.

Haha--they're talking about Madonna right now on Retrosexual. Too funny. I love how she was incorporated into Bridget as well. yet another sign that I am indeed Bridget. Sigh.

Owww. For some reason, the right side of my jaw really hurts. It feels kind of like one of my wisdom teeth is going to start coming in. Yeah, because I need another thing wrong right now to add to my sinus infection, PMS and overall tiredness. Double sigh.

I think the drugs are kickin' in. Whee! Maybe I'll start being as wise as Brett's become lately. (Seriously--some of his LJ responses have been more enlightening than Dear Abby answers. WTF, Brett?!?) More than likely I'll pass out. Sounds like a plan.

Ciao, dahling!


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