Front Desk Fun [ September 04, 2003, 11:41 am ]

Boredom at the front desk is the WORST.

Got this from Candance's site...

[my name is]: Krissy

[in the morning i am]: too tired to move

[love is]: my family and friends

[i dream about]: The future--seriously. I can't count the number of times I've had deja vu lately. It's creepy.

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-

[what do you notice first?]: eyes...mmmmm

[last person u slow danced with]: Oooh lord....probably Joe. Or one of my other gay boyfriends. Haha

-W H O-

[do you have a crush on?]: I'm gonna have to go with Mr. Date for right now.

[easiest to talk to]: Emily, Erin, my boss, my staff....the list goes on and on

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-

[fallen for your best friend]: Can't really say that I have

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-

[you talked to on the phone]: I believe that honor goes to Joe who lovingly called me at 2:30 in the morning when he was stuck outside his room

[hugged]: Umm....I think that would be my boss

[you instant messaged]: I was simultaneously talking to Em, Megan and Erin for a bit about 30 minutes ago--damn I'm good!

[you laughed with]: probably last night with friends at Quarters (no I wasn't drunk either, thankyouverymuch)

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-

[could you live without the computer?]: I'd like to think I could but probably not

[what's your favorite food?]: I'm so starving I'm willing to gnaw off my arm at the moment. But I really like my mom's Taco Salad

[whats ur favorite fruit?]: Gimme a pear please!

[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: physical pain is fleeting, emotional pain can leave scars that haunt you forever

[trust others way too easily?]: I'm a pretty trusting person

-N U M B E R-

[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: I used to think at least once or twice, but in all reality, it's gotta be 0

[of hearts i have broken?]: *snort* probably none

[of boys i have kissed?]: *smirk*

[of girls i have kissed?]: nada--unless you count on the cheek

[of drugs taken illegally?]: none

[of tight friends?]: I'd say at least 5

[of cd's that i own?]: Good God, at least 300--for real

[of scars on my body?]: a good 5 cuz I'm just SO graceful

[of things in my past that i regret?]: I regret nothing, my life is good and if it were any other way I wouldn't be at the place I am right now


[i know]: that I'm excited about my date tonight

[i want]: to have more time to just sleep

[i have]: my own room and bathroom that is the envy of all the residents of Hunt Hall

[i wish]: that my mom could just be happy

[i hate]: stupid people--if they'd use a little common sense the world would be a more beautiful place

[i miss]: my mommy

[i fear]: winter driving

[i hear]: John Mayer's sweet sweet voice

[i search]: for my missing Cabaret cd--waah! Where oh where could it be?

[i love]: my friends and family

[i ache]: for my soul-mate

[i care]: about my job

[i always]: laugh--life's all about the laughing moments

[i dance]: all the time

[i cry]: when I hurt

[i do not always]: go the extra mile, though I should

[i write]: in this diary A LOT

[i confuse]: names--I suck at names

[i can usually be found]: in my room, curled up with a book or sleeping...or with friends...or running around my hall

[i need]: food--I'm starving

-S.W.I.T.C.H.I.N.G. G.E.A.R.S.-

[have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing]: not that I can remember

[if so, when and with who]:

[favorite place to be kissed?]: the lips are nice as long as you don't just bite my upper lip (right, Joe?)

[have you ever been caught "doing something"]: not that I can recall--I'm an angel!

-W.O.R.D. A.S.S.O.C.I.A.T.I.O.N.-

[wuss]: me!

[druggie]: some key people at this lovely institution called NMU

[gang member]: scary...and sad

[daydreamer]: Me...or Pookie

[alcoholic]: my dad

[freak]: who isn't?

[brat]: yes, yes I am. *razz*

[sarcastic]: usually, but a lot of people don't get it

[goody-goody]: probably me

[angel]: we all have a good side

[devil]: and we all have a naughty side

[friend]: yay friends! (Oh lord I sound like Barney...)

[shy]: not really

[talkative]: always

[adventurous]: I'd like to think so, but I guess my key word is open-minded

[intelligent]: sometimes...


[impacted you the most spiritually]: uuuhhh...Christy and Em are really spiritual, so they inspire me for sure

[wish you saw more often]: my old high school friends (I had a dream about them last night....)

[wish you could meet]: huh? if they're my friends, haven't I met them already?

[most sarcastic]: all hail Em, the queen or sarcasm

[wish you knew better]: I know all my friends pretty well--but I'd like to get to know a lot of my residents better

[knows you best]: Emily, Christy, Hannah

[best outlook on life]: this sounds dumb, but I think I have a rather fabulous outlook on life--not to say that my friends don't, but I can't think of who has the BEST, so I'm just gonna go with me

[most paranoid]: Steph seems pretty paranoid when she's drunk...although Joe has his moments too

[sweetest]: all of my friends


[your best feature (personality)]: I'm quite the hyper and optimisitic person, if I do say so myself

[your biggest flaw (personality)]: I am HUGE procrastinator

[most annoying thing you do]: I don't know if I can explain it, but I realize it's annoying and I'm workin' on it!

[biggest mistake you've made this far]: Uhhh....don't wanna talk about it--but it has to do with last semester....

[describe your personality in one word]: Hyper-spastic-dorky

[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: My boobs! Just kidding. My eyes and hair warrant the most compliments.

[person you regret sleeping with]: I'm a virgin, thankyouverymuch, so no worries about that.

[height]: 5'4"

[a smell that makes you smile]: guys cologne

[a city you'd like to visit]: Rome or London

[a drink you order most often]: Cherry coke

[a delicious dessert]: mmm...cheesecake

[a book you highly recommend]: Kissing in Manhatten

[the music you prefer while alone]: John Mayer or Norah Jones

[your favorite band]: MatchBox Twenty

[a film you could watch over and over]: Moulin Rouge

[a TV show you watch regularly]: Lizzie McGuire

[you live in a(n)]: Hunt Haaall

[your transportation]: Rexy, a Pontiac Grand Am--I love Rexy!

[your cologne or perfume]: Curve, BCBG Metro or Givenchy Very Irresistable

[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: my laundry, a lot of shiznit

[something important on your night table]: pictures of me and my friends...or my clock

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