Sometimes I Just Need a Good Slap in the Face [ April 25, 2004, 2:39 pm ]

I was reading some of my entries from earlier this year--around the Christmas/January time period. I got annoyed. Really annoyed.

Why didn't anyone tell me that I was so freakin' annoying? If I wasn't whining I was talking about guys. It was like I was one-dimensional.

(I realize that I'm probably still one-dimensional, but now I'm self-aware and can attempt to change it.)

Really all I did was talk about how I wanted a guy and how I was crushing and then how guys sucked and blah blah blah. What. The. Fuck.

Granted, guys usually weigh heavily on the minds of college coeds around the globe. But still. It seemed like that was all I talked about.

Hmm...and I'm talking about it some more. How annoying.

I'd like to think that I've evolved over the course of my college career. I like to think that I'm independent and fierce and fun-loving. But am I really just another boy-crazy floozy?

I guess the thing I need to strive for is to just be myself. Even if it means being crazy-in-like or boy-hating. I just hate that guys weigh so much on my mind. Why can't I just enjoy the ride and not give a shit? Why not.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Lizzie McGuire: the Sinatra episode--one of my favorites!

Crush du Jour: none--I'm fierce! I'm independent!

Happy Thought of the Moment: my new fishy, dancing the night away, really strong Malibu and Cokes, cute shoes, my CBGB shirt, 13 Going on 30, Lizzie McGuire, Fazoli's paninis, Casa tonight, milkshakes

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