In Da Club [ April 24, 2004, 2:23 am ]

Hmmm....tonight was interesting. A lot of fun, but interesting. Sara and I went to The Matrixx. Original plans were for a party at the Up-Front but my poor friend got sick. Sad. Then a bunch of us were going to go karaokeing until like 3 of the "friends" aged like 50 years in 15 minutes and decided that they'd rather sleep than sing. Suuuck. So Sara and I went to dance. Cuz we're fun like that.

With that came adventures! Intrigue! Scandal! Not really. But I realized a couple of things.


Top Things that Annoy Me at the Club:

~Shrieky girls: while I realize that I indeed have a shriller voice than most and that I screech from time to time, I--out of respect for the drunk people and cute boys--do not shriek every time a hot guy is within a 50-foot radius of me. A bunch of sorority-esque girls tonight did. And for some reason the guys enjoyed it. Oh yeah--that may have been because the girls looked like they were having sex in the middle of the dance floor. How charming.

~People who have no idea of a bubble: stupid stupid STUUUPID people like to think that they can take up three quarters of the dance floor and the rest of the dancing mob will be ok with this. Not so much the case with me. After one couple tried executing some move that looked like a cross between a kama sutra pose and something from Saturday Night Fever I elbowed the girl out of my way and gained space on the dance floor. Who knew that violence solves dance floor situations. Hurrah.

~Dumb guys: this one guy particularly. Gaah. He kept bumping into me and elbowing me. Almost like he wanted to dance with me but not quite. It was immature. It was annoying. I wanted to poke his eye out. Yeah.

~Outrageously slutty girls: yes, they'll get the attention. But is it the right kind. And where does it get you in the end except maybe a quick fuck? Call me crazy, but that's not really the kind of goal I hope to accomplish.

I think that's all the things that annoyed me tonight. But they seemed to come in waves of overwhelming-ness.

I think that half of Tech's population came down here tonight too. It'sfunny because I could single them out so easily. Their clothes, their dance moves (worse than even the worst NMU white-man dancer), their nerdulant nature. Yeah, I was entertained.

Some guy must've been having a bachelor party or something too because he was lugging around a blow-up doll. Why why whyyyy do I see one everytime I go out lately? I think the heavens are trying to send me some kind of sign. Not that I really know what it could mean, but if I've seen more than one blow-up doll in the past couple of weeks, there's something up.

Ooh--lucky me. I attracted the John Lovitz-twin tonight. Go me. He tried to dance with me. He really couldn't. It looked like he was having a seizure. He asked me what I was doing afterwards. I told him probably going to sleep. When he asked if that was a good thing I looked at him and laughed. Then he tried to hump my leg. God must be so entertained right now.

Then another guy tried to dance with me. He didn't try, he did. But it was weird. He kept grinning and looking at me like I was some kind of queen. Which would have been nice in nearly any other situation, but he couldn't dance and he acted like I was his. Not so cool.

I am so never going to a club without a gay man or at least a close guy friend again.

Ciaod, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: ears popped and everything's hollowy sounding. Not cool.

Crush du Jour: Dane Cook

Happy Thought of the Moment: graduating SLFP, fun speeches, Dr. Suess books, yummy punch, Midori Sours, talking to mom, spending all the money I fundraised (sooo fun), photo opps, dancing, compliments

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