"When Moose Go Bad" [ May 31, 2002, 10:37 pm ]

So I finally get to start this entry like 10 minutes after I click it cuz Em and Megan keep messaging me. Wow--they've shut up for a second. That's amazing. :D

I am exhausted. I only worked for 6 hours tonight, but the Cafe was sooo busy. Stupid fish fry. Whoever came up with the idea of Friday fish fries anyway? Grr. That's all that people wanted. I don't ever wanna see fish AGAIN. But I made like $50. So its all good. And I got to see the hockey game. THE WINGS WON!!! AHHH! I'm pumped. I think everybody in Michigan is pumped right now. It's awesome. First period? AMAZING! 4 goals in the first half of the period. Final score--7 to zip. Yay yay yay!

Hehehe--Katy's in trouble. She's missed her curfew. AGAIN. Lalalaaaaa--Mom better punish her GOOD. Damn she just walked in the door. But still--she's like half an hour late. Ooohh...and NO excuse why either. Why doesn't Mom seem pissed? If this were me, I'd be grounded for a month. GRR! I totally paved the way for Katy. If it weren't for me, Katy would have NO privaledges whatsoever. This sucks. I feel very pissy right now. (Pissy Kissy!!!) Katy completely takes advantage of mom. And gets TONS of privaledges that I never got. NO FAIR!!! Oh well. At least I get to do what I want when I'm in college. Heh heh

I'm exhausted. I'm gonna crawl into bed and check out one of my Friends DVDs. Mmm...that is one version of personal heaven: surrounded by fluffy pillows and blankets watching my favorite tv show and laughing my ass off. Nice....

Ciao, dahling!


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