Gotta Get Through This [ November 03, 2004, 1:48 am ]

I'm going more than a little insane now paying attention to the damned election coverage. I will seriously bawl my eyes out if Bush is re-elected.

I'll also feel like all of the hours I've put into the Kerry campaign have been for nothing. Yes, it's a small victory that Marquette County totally pummelled Bush. But still.


I just want it to be all over. And while I'd like to wake up and hear on CNN that Kerry is the winner, I think just having peace of mind at the moment would make me happy. Because I'm at the point of nausea and ulcerage because of this.

Plus, it'll be nice to just know that I'm done with practicum.

What to do with my newly-found free time:

- um, clean--something I haven't done since before New York. Because I am a slob and I admit it. Shut up, I don't want to hear any bitching or gasping. It's no surprise that I'm messy.

- spend time with friends. Note: call Steph, set up movie dates with Em and Katie/Ryan/gang, figure out "family" dinner for Sunday

- scrapbook--because I'm DYING to do New York so I can show it off to everyone. Hell yeah.

- get a massage. Five o'clock Wednesday cannot come fast enough. I deserve it dammit.

- sleep--because I'm so deprived at this moment.

Ciao, dahling!


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