D.U.M.B. [ November 06, 2004, 1:47 pm ]

Is it wrong that I like to watch two boys kissing? Oh what the fuck, like I care if it is. Boys kissing makes me happy dammit. I think it's pretty...and just a little hot. Yay for kissing boys!

OK, so has anyone seen some of the promotional material for Saw? Actually, I'm hoping nobody has because it's disturbing and a little more than stupid. Granted I only saw two of the posters the entire time I was in New York and I haven't seen any since returning to Marquette, but still. They disturbed me. The background is a few heads. But they're not, like, normal. They're all lumpy and disfigured and the eye sockets, um, have no eyes and looked stitched together. Then the letters S-A-W are scrawled in red scratchy letters across the heads. Yeah, it's more than a bit disturbing for me. When I told a couple of my friends about it, they said maybe there aren't a lot of them out there because they are so grusome. Maybe. I was disturbed. I no likey.

The other thing on my mind? The writing exam SUCKS. Why? Oh yeah--because I didn't read the stupid question right. I'm dumb. D.U.M.B. Yup. First off, the questions were all just dumb. But I picked the one that would be easiest to write: what would you be thankful for on Thanksgiving? Easy enough. I wrote the entire thing in like 40 minutes. Yes, I felt like a freshman and I copped out and it was so-very dumb but still.

But as I was finishing, I looked at the questions again. I was writing about Thanksgiving NOW. I was supposed to write about what I'd think I'd be thankful for in 2034. What the fuck? I had to go back and start freakin' OVER because I had misread 2034 as 2004. Gaaah.

I crown myself dumbest person ever. And do I think I'll have to retake the exam now? Um, yes. Ugh.

Is there a cure for dumbassisty? Because I need it.

Ciao, dahling!


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