Dorkiness..... [ January 22, 2003, 2:19 pm ]

Today's been tumultuous (sp?) in the dumbest ways possible. it's been a bit of a ride--up and down, up and down. And I've only been awake for 3 hours! Ahh

FYI: Chaos insues with "the situation." I STILL have no idea what's going on. I kinda don't want to know. Cuz it probably won't be good news. And I don't like not-good news. Grr. Oh well. I've gotten quite paranoid whenever my phone rings. I keep thinking that it's gonna be news about what's happening. As much as I hate not knowing, I'm going by the mindset that no news is good news. Right? Am I wrong to assume that?

Ignorance really can be bliss. Heh

For some reason I've just started craving licorice. Weirdness. =/

I'm in CIS 110 right now. He's babbling about Eudora email. The excitement. The reall shocker is that I actually learned a couple of cool new tricks. Wheee! *grin* know the little rant that I did about a month ago about a little movie called Chicago? You know--the one that won a bunch of Golden Globes a couple of nights ago? THe one that is supposed to be released across the country this Friday? Guess what?

It's not fucking coming here.

Pardon me while I cry immensely.

I'm BEYOND pissed. So is Em. We've been waiting for this movie to be released for AT LEAST 3 years, if not more. And now that we have the soundtrack and have read the articles and seen the interviews, we WANT to see the fucking movie even MORE. (Hmm--wonder why?)

(K, I really should be paying attention, but I'm afraid that if I go into my email settings it'll screw everything up. Arrrggh! So Krissy's gonna no-touchy! Ahaha--I probably should delete some of my emails from forever ago. I could be taking up valuable server space. My bad.)

Anyways--the really sad thing about this movie news is that my entire weekend and it's plans revolved around me seeing Chicago. Cuz--silly me--I actually thought that it would actually be PLAYING here. But no. I mean, it's not really that big of a deal but I was really looking forward to me and a bunch of friends watching it on Saturday night. Nope. Now I'll have to entertain myself in some other way.




Oh well. C'est la vie, I guess. But I'm still pissed.

Aight, I should start paying attention. Even though I really don't need to learn how to un-forward my email since I never forwarded it in the first place. Whatever.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: my prof going on and on, plus some funky bass beat that's thumping from the scenery workshop

Crush du Jour: I'm thinking guys kinda suck at the moment...but Orlando and John Mayer are still really adorable!

Happy Thought of the Moment: Sierra's present, Stitch, cute pix, big hugs, supportive staff and friends, people thinking that I'm 24 (for real), my fun PR Campaigns group, getting PR stuff done, the fun bass beat I'm hearing, mix cds, Jimmy Fallon, dorky IM's, dorks in general, American Idol, Comedy Central, MTV, Applebees (mmmm), fun meetings, facing fears, knowing that I'll be alright

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