Catch-Up Time! [ January 09, 2003, 12:12 am ]

OK, so I haven't updated in over 3 days. What is wrong with me? Usually I update AT LEAST once a day, if not more. My bad. I've been kinda busy. Yeah. Who knew that the week before Winter semester started would be hectic. Huh. Anyway....sorry to those of you who have actually been looking at my diary, expecting for new and exciting insights from me. My bad. So sorry.

So a lot has happened. Where to start...hmm hmm hmm. Oh yeah--I got this email from Yeah right--what is this 8th grade? I remember doing this in middle school people. Not that I'm not flattered if it's true, but I'm QUITE cynical about this little thang. I think that somebody else may have gotten one of these emails and just entered anybody's email to see if it was THEM. Cuz they don't just TELL you--oooh no, that'd be TOOOO easy. Grr. Instead you must enter like a gabillion email addresses to see if you can figure it out. Except the addy's that you enter are supposed to be your "crushes." See where I'm getting at here?

At the moment I have exactly ONE crush, unless you count all my freakin' celeb crushes (and sorry--I don't have Jimmy or Orlando's email addresses). So I was just enterring every guy's email that I could think of to see if I could figure it out. DUUHH--I totally forgot that all these people were gonna get emails now saying that somebody likes them. DOH! So, guys, if you get an email about this thingy, it's just me--I love you as friends, but I was just trying to figure out who the heck is supposed to be.


So that was exciting.

I gotta give a shout-out to Katy, my wonderful sister. Honey, I'm sorry about your car. I've been there, we've all been there with car expenses and shit. It'll be fine. You'll have money for Hawaii, no worries. Remember--when I was in your spot 3 years ago, I didn't have a job or anything. No worries hun, you'll be fine. You always are! Mwah! *grin*

Allegedly there's like this big storm coming to Marquette and the UP tonight and tomorrow. I haven't heard the specifics, but it's certainly picked a hell of a time to come about, what with people starting to drive back up to campus tomorrow. Drive safely everyone--BE SAFE!!!! (Love you all!)

I've been slacking lately. I'm supposed to have my bulletin boards done by now. Ok, only by my standards, but still. I wish that I was done with them so I could relax all weekend. At least I know what I'm going to do for my boards: how to stay healthy in the winter, how to not procrastinate, and resource info/food for thought/campus events. Yeah. Let's hope that I can get some shit done on them now. Ugh.

I can't believe I've been so busy lately. When I think about it, I haven't really done THAT much. I've had a couple of meetings, but really that's been it. I've been hanging out with my staff A LOT.

ALL of us (except Davide and Afton) came back on Sunday, so we've had a lot of quality bonding/fun time. It's awesome. Out little new thing is playing "CatchPhrase." I ROCK at this game, I've realized this. I can figure out what my teammates are trying to say like right away. Yessss!!! Finally being good at vocab and English pays off. Go me!

(I NEED a remote right now. Where the hell is it? Grr--The Man Show is on. I loathe this show. I mean, it's kinda funny, but it annoys the fuck outta me too. Grr. Reeeemoooooooote, where are youuuu?)

Alright, so I must comment on the newest "reality" shows I'm now hooked on. Monday is now dubbed Krissy's Reality TV Night. There's "Joe Millionaire" and the Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Sexes. I'm sooo hooked.

Joe Millionaire: K, I didn't like the premise of the show at first, but now I think it's gonna be hilarious. Let's see how catty these women can get. And superficial as well. All these women can go to hell--all they're after is his money and lifestyle. WHATEVER. They sooooo deserve what they're gonna get if they "win." Heh heh. And Heidi, the banker chick? She can rot in hell. She is the biggest bitch. But I know she's there for controversy. God, I hate her though. I wanted to strangle her through the t.v. the other night. GRR to Heidi--I hope she loses sooo hard! Hehehe

Battle of the Sexes: WTF? K, Julie is gone and I cannot express just how pissed I am about this. Melissa is another bitch. The girls are so stupid if they think that they're done good by getting rid of her. They probably did the worst thing possible. She kicks ass. They were sooo scraping for a reason to kick her off. All I can say is that they've done wrong. I should boycott the show for them doing that. Grr. I love Julie. I wanted her to win. Oh well--at least she took it well.

(Oh god--this is kinda funny. There's like sock puppet porn on the Man Show right now. It's like every bad porno ever made except with two socks. It's kinda funny. )

Aight, I must go to sleep. I get to wake up at 7 AM. Waaah! At least this is the only day I have to do this. Yay for that!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: commercials on Comedy Central

Crush du Jour: Take a wild guess

Happy Thought of the Moment: Catch Phrase, staff bonding, snowballs, a clean room, short meetings, cute new jeans, Romeo and Juliet on DVD, Good in Bed (SUCH a good book), naps, cute shoes, quality time with my "love god" Nick, cute voicemails, getting stuff accomplished (kinda), my new hair color (it's really grown on me--yay!), bein done with small group for orientation, Friends Season 1 on DVD (gonna get is SOON), grocery shopping, talks with Mom, gorgeous spring-like weather

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